14 JUNE 1940, Page 10

FROM IBSEN'S " BRAND " ASK ye how long shall

last the strife?

On to the very end of life:

Till you have offered all you prize, And freed yourselves from compromise, With all its futile pacts: until You gain the mastery of your will: Till every coward doubt shall fall Before the summons—Nought or All!

Your loss? The idols you have known, The halfway spirit you enthrone, Each glittering gilded chain that binds Down to the earth your servile minds, And every pillow that you keep To lull your lethargy to sleep!

Your gains? A will that's clean and whole,

Winged faith and unity of-soul:

That discipline which gladly gave Its sacrifice to death and grave: A crown of thorns for each shall be The guerdon of your victory! G. M. G.-H.