14 JUNE 1940, Page 14


SIR,—At the present time of grave conflict between the armed forces it may be helpful to turn our minds to the problem of the greatest magnitude that will face us in the years after the fighting. It is that of the steps to be taken after the war which will be most likely to prevent another and possibly a worse world conflagration breaking out a couple of decades hence.

It will be generally agreed that the free countries are fighting to rid the world of the- spirit of aggression and the rule of mere force. This spirit cannot be exorcised by mere repression or

by subjugation, and an armed occupation of enemy territory would achieve nothing in the direction of creating a new spir.t in Germany: practically universal disarmament may be one concomitant of the return of peace, and it will probably be necessary to have an adequate disciplined force to maintain order in Germany.

My plea is that we should be prepared to take action to ensure, that a new generation will grow up in Germany which shall not be imbued with the ideas of power politics ; to achieve this end a comprehensive civil occupation of the country is essential This should be undertaken by English administrators, and should be maintained for twenty years or more until a generation has arisen in Germany which has been nurtured in a world divorced from the glorification of power and dominion. The obligations of citizenhood, tolerance towards fellow-men and a turning towards the development of the peaceful arts and traditions of an older Germany must become an integral part of the life and outlook of those who will be the makers of the new Germany.---