14 JUNE 1963, Page 18


SIR,-1 was abroad when Mr. Randolph Churchill's article on The Yankee Marlborough appeared, and have only just seen it.

This book was sent to me for comment in the proof stage, and I read it through at one sitting. The impression left on my mind, which remains, was that it was a discerning and penetrating charac- ter study, mainly because it seemed to me to grasp the full significance of the Anglo-American heritage of which Sir Winston's genius is the product; and that is all 1 said. I was interested to find Captain Liddell Hart, whose vast experience commands respect, in agreement with this view.

do not dispute Mr. Churchill's factual correc- tions; but it is, in my submission, premature to attempt any final assessments of his father's almost incredible life based on facts, because we have not yet got them. Every war book that I have read reveals this only too clearly, and, in consequence, none of them is unbiased. Hundreds of episodes remain shrouded in mystery. Sir Winston's own accounts of both the First and Second World Wars contain innumerable memoranda and minutes written by himself, to which presumably some replies were made; but none of them is given. The

publication of all the relevant documents, and of Mr. Randolph Churchill's own authoritative bio- graphy, must, I think, be awaited before any objective conclusions can possibly be reached.