14 MARCH 1846, Page 11



The Stocks for the April dividend closed at the commencement of the week, and business in them has of course been entirely suspended. Some purchases on be- half of the Railway depositors by the Chancery-broker have occurred; and these operations, in conjunction with the pacific character of the intelligence from the United States this morning, have given a much firmer tone to the market; the- prices of the English Funds being today about 1 per cent above those of last Sa- turday. The business transacted, with the exception of the purchases above re- ferred to, has not been important.. The Government-brbker has purchased the usual amount for the Sinking-fund, Savings Banks, and Life Annuities. The premium of Exchequer Bills has been maintained, and is today quoted at 87s.- a slight improvement upon last week. Money is still in demand, and discount fir- long long periods difficult. The advices brought today from the United States note an improvement in the New York Stock-market; Ohiol Mississippi, New York, and the better class of State Stocks, being higher, and in demand, upon the departure of the packet. In the Foreign Market, the business transacted has-been trifling, and without material variation in prices. In the Share Market, some slight improvement has occurred, with the advance of the English Funds in a few of the better class of Railway Shares; but scarcely anything that can be called a revival of business. Scrip continues depressed; and the chances of the Parliamentary lottery seem to be regarded with indiffer- ence by the speculators. The French Shares have been neglected; but some little demand has arisen for them yesterday and today. Canada Shares are at an advance of from 15s. to 11.: a report prevails that the Company is about to be broken up. Dutch- Rhenish have risen today about 11., and there was a :brisk market for them to the close of business. The general aspect is certainly more favourable than it wars last week.


Consols opened at the closing quotations of yesterday ; the price has since given way slightly, to rally again immediately. The quotations for Money have va- ried from 964 to 96i, and for Account from 964 a to 964 if. They are now 964 4 for Money, and 964] for Account. No change of importance has occurred in the Foreign Funds. The business of the Railway Share-market has been rather more extensive than usual on Saturday, and the prices of the better class of Shares have in some cases improved; there is no change for the better in the value of the Scrip. The following bargains have occurred: Bristol and Exeter, 84; Direct Northern, 24; Eastern Counties, 204; Ditto, New, 64 premium; Ditto, York Extension (10s. paid), 14; Great North of England (51 paid), 52; Great Western, Half-Shares, 824-; Birmingham, 218 194; Ditto, Fifths, 24; Brighton, 64; Croydon, 22; East India, 4; Constituted North of France, 164.. SATURDAY, Two overeat.

The English Funds close at our morning's quotations: Consols for Money being 96* i and for Account 964 4. A large purchase of Consols for Account has been

in the course of the morning, but it has not produced any effect upon the market. The Foreign Funds are without any change.

3 per Cent Consols ..... ... 96; i Columbian ex Venezuela ... 16 IT

Ditto for Account 964 1 Danish 3 per Cents 87 3 per Cent Reduced shut Dutch 24 per Cents 594 GO 34 per Cents shut Ditto 4 per Cents 941 93

Long Annuities shut Mexican 5 per Cents 314 1 Bank Stock shut Ditto Deferred 161 17

Exchequer Bills Prem. 34 37 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1641 55 57 India Stock shut Ditto 4.per Cents:1845.Prent. Sr. 57

Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 4 Russian 5 per Cents .ex div. 1071 94 Belgian 44 per Ceuta 97 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 264 f Chilton 6 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 35; 61

The following bargains have occurred in the Share Market. The better claw of Railway Shares are all at improved quotations, but the Scrip is unchanged.

Share. Paid. Business done 100 Birmingham and Gloucester 100 125 100 Bristol and Exeter 70 841 25 Cambridge and Lincoln 11 21 2 Average Eastern Counties 14 16 201 11

14.16 Eastern Counties, New 8 16 61 1 Prem.

40 Great North of England, New 5 52 50 Great Western, Half-shares 50 82 a

20 Great Western, Fifth-shares 25 32 Average London and Croydon 13.15.9 22

50 London and York 21 3f *

100 Manchester and Leeds. 82 129 50 York and North Midland 50 97 6 FOREIGN RAILWAYS.

20 Dutch-Blientab 5 6* 20 Great Northern of Prance, emanated 5 14

20 Luxembourg 4 11 20 Orleans and Bordeaux 6 121

20.16.8 Over Yawl 4.3.1 21

20 Sambre and Meuse