14 MARCH 1846, Page 11

The Paris Tapers and correspondence of Thursday contain few new

facts con- nected with the Polish insurrection. The Journal des Debuts expresses fears that the orders given to the commanders of the troops of the three great Powers now again in Cracow will prove to have been severe in the extreme, embracing the estab- lishment of courts-martial for the trial of the insurgents. The Courrier Fran- cais still maintains that the insurrection in Galicia has taken place in Siunogitia. The subscriptions for the Poles go on. The list now includes 149 members of the Chamber of Deputies—about one-third of the whole; the pupils of the Poly- technic School, of the Ecole Normale, of the Central School of Arts and Manu- factures, of the Greek School; and the Parisian bar.

The French clergy were also beginning to raise their voices in favour of the Polish insurgents. The Bishop of Puy has addressed an appeal to the faithful of his diocese, commencing—" We will respond, beloved diocesans, to the wishes of those brethren who, by their impetuous valour and the brilliant qualities of their hearts, have deserved to be called the French of the North. Never, per- haps, was Poland more worthy of the sympathies of all Catholic hearts."