14 MARCH 1868, Page 22

Miltoni Samson Agonistes. Grieco reddidit Georgius, Bare Lyttolton. (Macmillan.) Enochus

Arden. Poema Tennysonianwn. Latine redditum.

(Moxon.)—Lord Lyttelton's Greek version of Samson Agonistes and Mr. Selwyn's Latin version of Enoch Arden come to us just at the time when the futility of making Greek and Latin verses occupies so many speakers and writers. Mr. Selwyn apologizes for his version by saying that while laid up after his equestrian accident he beguiled his sleep- less nights by turning remembered lines into Latin. We are afraid some period of enforced leisure would be required before we could form a judgment of either poem, though, perhaps, we need not be ashamed to add that the first could not be mastered without the help of Liddell and Scott.