14 MARCH 1908, Page 18


Sin,—If your correspondent " E. P." wishes to keep his squirrels he must give them Barcelona nuts. When I was living in Dorsetshire I tamed the squirrels to such an extent that they would take nuts from my hands, and would come up to the bedroom window at early morning and tap on the glass if the nuts were not waiting for them. They will eat cocoanuts and " monkey-nuts," but will leave everything else for the round brown Barcelona nuts, and I think your correspondent will find as I did that the squirrels will come regularly twice a day for the nuts. The delightful nuthatches will also be unfailing guests. They will eat filberts, as will the squirrel, but both prefer the Barcelona nuts. Once I was "out" of the nuts, and having four miles to drive to the town, could not get my usual store for five or six days. When I placed them out on the " bird-table " the nuthatches cleared all away at once, storing them in the trees. They evidently meant to provide against any such another time of privation. The nuthatches became quite tame, and took the nuts from the table while we sat close beside it. They also used to peck at the windows if no nuts were laid out early for them. This was at Steeple, near Wareham.—I am, Sir, &c., 17 Loudoun Road, St. John's Wood. J. E. PAXTON.