14 MARCH 1931, Page 12

A Hundred Years Ago

THE " SrEeTAToR," Mallen ltnr, 1831.


We fear that the present gallant struggle in Poland is to ter. minate, as all former struggles of that brave and ill-fated country have done, in riveting more firmly the chains which it was desirous of shaking off. Praga has been burnt, and Warsaw, it is currently reported, has fallen by capitulation—such capitulation as the wolves accord to the sheep. Some doubts have, indeed been cast over the latter part of this afflicting intelligence, which reached us through the Paris journals on Thursday, but the burning of Praga is not disputed.


The Five Powers—that is, Franco, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Viscount Palmerston—have issued a document which, like its pre. cursors, is termed a " protocol," but which, from its length, its logic, and its unintelligibility, might serve as a model for a bill in Chancery. It is an answer to the protocol of the Belgian Congress against the decree of the same high Powers which deprived Belgium of Luxembourg. The plain English of the whole of the intervention with Belgium is, that the Five Powers—as aforesaid—would restore the Prince of Orange, and put down the new constitution, or at least support him in putting it down.


The attention of the House of Commons on Thursday was chiefly directed to the consideration of Mr. Warburton's bill to prohibit the growth of Tobacco in Ireland. Lord Althorp apologized for the Government not having pressed for the prohibition this session : it was admitted that great smuggling was the consequence of the permitted growth of tobacco in Ireland, but ho would sooner sacrifice a portion of the revenue than add to the existing distress of that. country. Ultimately, the bill went. through a committee, and was ordered to be reported.


The Thames Tunnel, near Rotherhithe Church, and opi:osi`e the end of old Gravel Lane, on the \Yapping sido of the river—gotice is hereby given, that the Public may view the Tunnel every day (Sundays excepted), from Eleven in the Morning until Four in the Afternoon, upon payment of One Shilling for cads Person. The Tunnel is lighted with gas, is dry and warm, and the descent is by a safe and easy staircase.


On Monday night, at nine o'clock, a very beautiful aurora Was visible at Worcester. It was at first. of a crimsonhue, but afterwards changed to a pale colour, with a long brilliant stream of light passing through it.


A learned gentleman has discovered the Hydra of the ancients at Battersea. The reptile to which this formidable name has been applied, puts out heads as fast as did that which cost Hercules so much labour to overcome. Cut off one, and forthwith out spring couple : split him up the middle, and each half becomes a perfect hydra, of somewhat more lengthy proportions .,than his sire or mother. To quiet the apprehensions of young ladies who may happen to pass from London to Richmond by the steam-boat, WI must add, that there is not much danger of'the Battersea Hydra swallowing the Monument,•even without the inscription—it is °WY .an inch long. . ,