14 MAY 1836, Page 11


SMCK Exro 'sar, FltIn.IP A FTF RX0,1,7.

The English Stock Market has evinced considerable firmness since our last : the fluctuations have been unimportant, and the business nansacted has not been extensive. In the course of this morning-, however, the market has slightly given way, .n consequence of the prevalence of a report that it is the intention of the Government to fund a portion of the Exchequer Bills now in circula- tion. We cannot trace this rumour to any authentic source, and merely give it as the on dit of the moment; putting very little faith in it ourselves, from the circumstance, that th,, premium upon Exchequer Bills, which his for some days evinced a decided tend.licy to decline, has not improved, as it would surely do in the event of a withdrawal of any considerable amount of these Securities from circulation by a eonveraion 0f them into Stuck. The recent depreciation of the Unfunded Debt is generally attributed to measures taken by the Direc- tors of the Bank to counteract the effect of the repayment of the loan of 2,000,C00/. which they have recently made to the East India Company. This sum, which was part of the assets of the Company on the termination of their existence as a trading body, was taken by the Bank at a low rate of interest ; and as its repayment would, by causing an issue of bank-notes to that amount, increase the circulation by 2,000,000/., the Directors have seught to contract their issue, by the sale of Exchequer Bills ; and hence the decline alluded to. In the Foreign Market, the Dutch and Belgian Stocks are firm, at pikes rather higher than our last ; the market for Dutch Stock, at Amsterdam, continuing in a very healthy state. Portuguese Bonds are also a little higher than on Saturday. We have been without any intelligence from Lisbon ; but the reappointment of M. CA RV A LIMO to the Illinistry seems to have completely restored the confidence of the Eng- lish Stockholders.

The fluctuations of Spanish Stock have been less extensive than usual, and the market has been in a tranquil state. The approach of the settling-day, which is fixed for Monday next, by compelling mane of the weaker speculators to sell, has produced a depression in the course of this morning ; but the market has rallied a little in the after. part of the day. The recent victory at St. Sebastian would doubtless have caused an improvement in the price of tha Stock, but that the delays attendant upon the completion of the Ministry in Madrid give rice to the opinion that the position of MENDIRABEL is not so secure as his triumphant majorities in the Chamber had induced his admirers to believe.

The Railway Shares are generally heavy ; the approaching termination of the various Committees to which the Bills have been referred :operating unfavour- ably upon those projects in which there are competing lines of railway. This has been the case in the Blackwell and Brighton ; of which latter both Rennie's and Cundy's have declined, while Stephenson's have not materially improved, although is anticipated that the Committee will decide in its favour. The Brazilian Mining Sharrs have received an impulse by the arrival o highly favourable intelligence from the Congo Soco district. By one of thou lucky chances which are common in the history of mining operations, the daily produce has increased from about 2lba. weight of gold in the following extra.

ordinary manner. Produce or Gold per Day.

Feb. 18 116 lb.

19 102 20 17 4 00

SATURDAY. Form o'czocsr. The afternoon has been passed in complete inactivity, and the closing prices are the same as those of the morning. Spanish Stork has been heavy, but has recovered again to its former quotations. Portuguese Stock continues unmoved. The Share Market has been in a state of tranquillity. The Imperial Brazilian Milling Shares are quoted at 35 86, and those of the St. John Del Rey at 6i 4. In the Railways, the Birmingham and Derby are heavy a. 6l. to 71. prem.; the London Crawl Junction are higher, being quoted 0„ to 11 prem. ; t5b7eioither varieties are generally at our morning's prices.

3 per Cent. Consuls 924 Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto for Account 921 French 3 per Cents - New 34 per Cent. Antis 1001 4 Mexican 5 per Cents. 35 36

India Stuck 2594 Portuguese 3 per Cents. .... 544 1 Bank Stock — Do. Regency 5 per Cent.... 851 6/ Exchequer Bills 13 l5 pm Russiam1S21. 5 Fer Cm '... 109/ 10 'Belgian 5 per Cents 1011 24 Spanish. 1834.5 per Cent... 45/ 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 864 7 Ditto, Deterred 221 I Danish 3 per Cents. 764 7 Ditto. Passive 134 144

23 24 25-294 pounds. The Shares have in consequence risen about 16/. ; the price to-day being 38. Intelligence of a favourable nature has also been received by the St. John Del Rey Company ; the Shares of Ulrich improved yesterday 2/., but have fallen

back to-day. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. Nothing worthy of note has occurred here this morning : the pr ices of Stocks are nearly the sonic as yesterday. The Railway Shares are heavy, and very few of them have been dealt in. We subjoin the quotations of some of them. Birmingham and London 76 8; Great Western 29 ; Greenwich 7i 8; Birmingham and Derby 6 7; ditto and Gloucester 31 ; Leeds and Manchester 21 3; Brighton (Stephenson's) 13 14 prem. ; ditto ( Rennie's) 3 die. ; ditto (Cundy's) dis. The Imperial Brazilian Mining Shares are 35 37, and the St. John Del Rey 6i