14 MAY 1870, Page 1

The Irish Land Bill has been racing through Committee this

last week, to make up for its creeping pace hitherto. Yesterday week there waa a sharp discussion on the clause which enacts that all improvements shall be assumed to have been made by the tenant till proof is given to the contrary. Mr. Plunket moved an amend- ment to limit the operation of this clause to tenancies created after the Asa, and reproached Sir Roundel' Palmer, who had, he said, been " mesmerized " into catalepsy, with not pushing his own amendment to the same effect. Sir Roundel' Palmer replied that he had all along acted on the principle of getting what he could, and not clamouring for what he found it hopeless to demand, and Mr. Plunket's amendment was defeated by 191 to 132,-59 votes. Mr. Plunket is an able man, but he appears to be taking a good deal on himself when he assumes the office of mentor to Sir Roundell Palmer.