14 MAY 1921, Page 1

The Duke ended his indictment with the following words :-

" Perhaps I shall be told that this is too sweeping an indict- ment, and that the Executive are not all Bolsheviks. No doubt there are many members of the Executive who are as much the dupes and tools of the extremists as are the great mass of the miners, but the fact remains that they have sat still and looked on at the successive steps in the deliberate, sys- tematic betrayal of their country. Does it matter whether they have acquiesced through weakness and cowardice or because they liked it ? When all is said and done, when every allowance is made, it remains a story of the blackest treachery. Anil what makes it infinitely worse is the pretence made throughout of constitutional aims, of a desire to better the lot of the workers and to further the true interests of the industry, while the real purpose has been to ruin their country, their fellow-workmen, and the industry in order to further the interests of world revolution."

There is no need of comment. The accusation against the members of the Miners' Executive, collectively and individually, is one of treason and treachery.