13 MAY 1943, Page 14


SIR,—The Central Institute of Art and Design has been asked to collect books on Art for distribution to British Prisoners of War to be sent through the British Red Cross and Order of St. John War Organisation. The need is for books dealing with the lives of artists, history of the arts, famous collections and galleries, and the technique of the tuts. There has recently been a steadily increasing demand by prisoners of war for books on art, and it is an interesting fact that the longer men remain prisoners, the more insistent becomes their demand for serious literature.

May we appeal to your readers to look out any books of this kind that they can spare (or even that they cannot spare) and give them for this very worthy purpose? We do not want gifts of money, but shall of course be most grateful if anyone who has no suitable books and would like to help the scheme, will buy books and send them to us.

Books should be posted or delivered to: The Prisoners of War Fine Arts Committee, The Central Institute of Art and Design, National Cuillery, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C. 2, with a note stating the name and address of the donor, and the number of volumes presented.

—Yours truly, MARY E. WILSON, Secretary, The Prisoners of War Fine Arts Committee, C.I.A.D.

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