14 MAY 1965, Page 28



1. A sea of green cheese? Well, it's calm, anyway (12)

9. Ship's cook? No, vice versa! (9) 10. The philosopher of the porch, but hardly the home-spun sort (5)

11. 'I was a pale young - then,' Dr. Daly sang (6) 12. A governor gets the cane, in a way, which accounts for tem- porary inactivity (8)

13. Revels in bars (6) 15. Smashing, in other words (8) 18. Is he the i., life and soul of politics? (5-3) 19. 'Nods, and becks, and wreathed -' (Milton) (6) 21. Just the weather for the steel- men (8) 23. A voyage in such a boat could be fruitful (6) 26. A special way to deal with children! (5) 28.



Being gathered together in this way 2might make one feel cowed (7, ) The lady had him monstrously hoist with his own petard (12)

DOWN More correct form of Juliet's description of her gentle Romeo! (7) The man from the council has left a tree (5)

A seasoned publication, no doubt p) I examine the image (4) Accompanist to the dawn chorus? (8)

Teetotal, yes, but getting irritable (5) Avoid a missile-in this case, apparently, a blue streak! (7)

Degrading for the free-wheeler? ) The Green Mati? (8) The troops get an outsize following on authority (9)

17. For the players to get the wrinkles out it's hard stuff! (4-4) 18. King John was a priest too. (7) 20. How to make a point (7) 22. 'Out of the - came forth meat' (Bible) (5) 24. Pennies in ale could turn it bad (5) 25. A painted lady, perhaps, and Nothing more! (4) Solution next week



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