14 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 1


Tar accounts from the East, which were brought by the Dutch mail of yesterday, put to rest certain previous rumours of insurrection- ary movements among the Albanians. The whole affair, it appears, arose out of the ignorance of warlike etiquette of the Pacha of Scu- tari ; who, feeling a difficulty in procuring provisions for his troops, was about to pass unceremoniously through the Russian lines ; he was ordered to suspend his march, and obeyed, with an apology for his mistake. There had been some movements on the north of the Bal- kan; but these preceded the knowledge of the treaty. Commerce is said to be rapidly reviving at Constantinople ; a vast number of ves- sels from the Archipelago have arrived there since the treaty was signed. There was a report yesterday that Admiral Count HEYDEN had received orders to winter his vessels in the Mediterranean. This might be merely to avoid the dangers of the North Sea and of the Baltic during a winter passage home.