14 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 2


Srocit EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING.—The operations in the Money Market during the week have not been extensive, and the fluctuations have seldom exceeded 4 to per cent. in the day. Consols for Money, which closed on Saturday last at 91,1ii opened on Monday at 91ft2, and for the Account at 9I S. From that time until Wednesday there was little variation ; but on that day they rose at one time to 911 for Money, and 92 for the Account. To- wards the close of the day, however, they were done for Money and for the Account at 911a ; and up to yesterday there was scarcely an eighth per cent. difference. The closing prices yesterday, both for Money and the Account -were 914. India Bonds 65, 66; Exchequer Bills 75, 76. The Foreign Market opened briskly on Monday, and some large transfers were made at the following prices. Brazilian 67; Buenos Ayres 25; Chilian, from 23 the opening price, ruse to 26, and was for some time in good demand at 25, although no reasonable ground could be assigned for the improve- ment; Colombian 21I, 24; Danish. 7l; French 5 per Cent. 1092 9, at an ex- change of 25.65; Greek 22f 244 2-H ; Mexican G per Cent. 2324; Peruvian 152 17 ; Portuguese 49e 50k: Russian 1051 106; Spanish 91. Most of these prices, which were driven up by the ordinary jobbing manceuvres, and against every reasonable calculation, were maintained on the following day, and some even rose higher; but by Thursday the Market had become very dull, and many of the Foreign Stocks were unsaleable. Mexican had fallen to 211, and the other South American Stocks were almost without quotation. Yesterday the priees were as follow, and with a very heavy Market.


Bank Stock, 213 214 3 per Cent. Reduced, 907, 91 3 per Cent. Consols, 91i 31 per Cent. 1515,

31 per Cent. Reduced, 937; 99 New 4 per Cents. 1522, 103j 1

4 per Cents. 1526, 105 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1560)

India Stock, div. 10} per Cent. 224 225 South Sea Stock, div. 31 per Cent.

India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March,

1529, thereafter 3 per Cent.) Cl; 67 exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per cent.

per diem,) 76 77 Consols fot Account 9181


Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 663 8- Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 24 25

Chilian, 6 per Cent. 211 221 Colombian,

Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent. 191 201 Danish, 3 per Cent.731 French 5 per Cents. 1081 109 Ditto 3 per Cents. 531

GreekS per Cent. 25 251 Mexican, 6 per Cent. 201 21 Neapolitan, 5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 131 14; Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 49 49.1 Prussian,

Russian, 10e 1061 Spanish, 91 93


Anglo-Mexican, 23/. 251. Brazilian, Imperial, 761. 781. Real del Monte, 701. 75/. Bolanos, 3601. 3701. Colombian, 41. 10s. Si. United Mexican, 151. 15/. 10.s.

ONE o'csocic.—The Funds have scarcely fluctuated the whole of this morn- ing. Consols for the Account are now 910 ; India Bonds 67, 69. No altera- tion in Exchequer Bills. In the Foreign Market there is the same stagnation; Russian Stock 106; Mexican 21; Portuguese 49f.