14 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 4


When the insurrectionary movement is so widely spread, it is im- possible to concentrate the whole into one view, with the necessary de- tails ; but we shall quote front the mass, whether of selections from the Indian press or the private correspondence of our own, such particulars of the principal MOVen1Q11t1/ as are most pregnant with interest. This is from a correspondent of the :thawing l'ost at Bombay- " The last mail carried intelligence of the perilous state of Kahan, a fort isolated and cut off by mounteina, 11:1,111s, and barriers, in which Lieutenant Bross!), and a garrison of one hundred and fifty Sepoys have been so long be- sieged and blockaded by the alusree tribe. Brown and Ids party were runnieg short of provisions; and the Beleoetu a eppentr to have come to the decision ot starving him out. It became, therefere, obsolutely necessary to despatch a large force to throwiii supplies. Accordingly, a farce under the command of Moor Clibhorne marched Imm Su kker on tile Idth of August, in high spirits, to relieve that gerrierm. They nail-died fruit Poolajee, the entrance into the mountainous range, one hundo El and fifty miles north-north-west of' Sukker, on the 2ad of August ; and the folk...at-a touching letter, written just hefeee starting by one of the eflicers, now, clas I no more, conveys a more grephic description of the state of matters than icy indirect narrative."

" cad Anrvvit.

" We have left Sukker, and are once more in the field. We left this country in Minch, and here WC ale again in A ugu,t. We are on our way to fore passage up to K11111111, 10 relh in limit ii tat, wle•re Brown fuel a party of the Isifth laive been es!;!ed up sinee Ality. We are convoy lug up about eight hundred caniele, end — to them, its they. a ill he horribly in our way, as we most likely shah i have to lieht our wey. The three consists of the First Grenadier Netive Inffintry, I. at 1 Hank eempa»v Second Grenadiers, two or

Shires leinered horse, nied Clibliorne. We enter the hills

from Is H. e. [And shall .., :et I .,. •.; tnor, getting through the moun-

taMs to IS elem. How a theem ioeild et It milk at marching in such

weathe The ii-a v.at ur in our hes 105 and 110 ; no inovieg in the incur,'. so see mereli eaa,t, ft i ci o here to Lave to torn tint id; eleven n c I...-. !ye o'H In s. .1 ,ocr he dime, is 110 rri0V1P: be'' al, WO, 1171 ,ha harws ha,%. trall.,■144.11. with 1,1r. bff • • a., tI, r; el,. Ws. are skirmishing in all fel ! • A! • i ..•1 ei.,•0 thi • ;tither, and in two months more !II • ! A to NV1,1!. 71• haVe an our work cut out aril in riele eeol ie ;as: a • NA- ha: shin!: yon of marching thirty-eight mike ii t went v-six hours in the hills ? Some single miles take up twelve

hours to pass.'' • * * " tava the (sir to Fsban where Clarke was cut up, and I shall endeavour to at the ur that affair. I think there ta little doutt that 1h-C Shall ei eleett six Moth-ell bayonete, mid a convoy of twelve [metre,: al !,11 ,17, bur:Sired bullocks to guard. What prize this would be fin the la:low:hes! llow delighted Brown "Will be to see us ! He is shut up with only 150 fighting men at Kahun. The fort is sue- rounded by about 3,000 Belooches: however, he holds his own in good style, and is not likely to be taken. I expect the Murrees will make one desperate attempt to take the place before we arrive." " On the 31st of August, Major Clibborne reached a mountain-pass some six or seven miles from Koltun. The road over this pass was defended by the Belooches, and so strongly as to make its ascent very difficult. The palls was so narrow that two men could not walk abreast In it, and Major Clibborne threw out two companies, remaining himself behind with the main body. The companies had not proceeded far into the pass when they were assailed in front, and from the ridges towering above, by parties of' Relooches, who threw stones and kept a heavy fire upon them until the Sepoys fell back upon the main body in great confusion. The Belonelies followed, and charged hand to hand. in the most determined manner, Our Sepovs behaved with the greatest bravery, and repulsed the Belooeltes in gallant style with great slaughter. Our loss, how. ever, was severe. Captain Raitt, Lieutenants Franklin and Moore, and En- sigma Williams killed, and Lieutenant Lock severely wounded. About two hundred Sepoys, or one-third of the force, killed. It is said that had it not been for the atiniirable efficiency of' the guns, and the execution done by the grime-shot, it is most likely that none of the party would have escaped. The sufferings of the party afterwards front thirst after the fatigues they had en. countered oppear to have been horrible. Having despatched the horses and cattle for water, which was supposed to be at some distance, and waiting some Chine for their return, a few of the irregular horse, who had cut their way through, brought ilitelligence of their having been surrounded and cut to pieces. The force was subsequently attacked in the rear, arid everything was lost, camels, horses, stores, baggnee, mid treasure. Major Clibborne got hack to Poolajee safe. Captain Ileighineton died from fatigue and thirst. The state of Captain Brown and leis fellow-sufferers at Kalitin must have been distressing in the ex- treme. They were actually- within hearing of Major Clibborne's artillery, and Chic secret consequences are apprehended for their safety."

A correspondent of the Bombay Times gives a still more graphic ac- count of the fearful enemies which the troops had to face, in the barba- rians and the heat- " The enemy opened a very heavy fire ; but our party gallantly advanced and gained the head of the pass, and were neatly to push on when a dense mass of the enemy overwhelmed the storming-party with musketry and showers of stones, while others fell on them with sabres, committing a fearful havock on the retreating Sepoys. The advance companies were ordered to the support of the guns and colours ; when the numberless enemy rushed down with the most determined gallantry, and with such impetuosity that the troop had hardly time to form: hard fighting on both sides, the enemy yelling aud howling like beasts of the forest. it Most of the influential men of the enemy were found dead on the field; yet the pass reniained in their poesession, their numbers amounting to runny thousands. The heat was dreadfully intense, and the suffering of the men and cattle from exhaustion and thirst had become painfully appareet : the little water remaining in the puckalls from the last halting-place was dried up, and no water was procurable unless the pass was carried, and the post of Kahn was distant about six miles. The puckall-bileesties and camel-puckalls, together with the gun-horses and officers' horses with followers, under an escort of fifty of the irregular horse, went for water. At this time the cries of the wounded and dying for • Water! water 1' were increasing, and gave rise latterly to scenes of frenzy and despair. In this manner they remained, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the water-party. Some stragglers came in and reported that the water-party was aurrounded in a nullali: what was to be done? They bad already lost one hundred and fifty men of the force ; the remainder were enfeebled with the thirst and exertions of tlie two previous days; and, to add to their difficulties, most of the camel-drivers, dooley-bearers, &a. had absconded during the action, after plundering the Commissariat of the loads of' ilour, tee. The gun-horses were gone, and the men of the Golundanze so prostrated from fatigue and thirst that latterly they could scarcely rise to fire a gun. Major Clibborne, after mature deliberation, foned Clint it would be impracticable to throw provisions into the fort of Kahan ; and further, that unless the water-party returned, the whole force must perish of thirst : the sad alternative Wag forced upon this gallant officer of abandoning the unfortunate garrison at Kahan. No signs of the water-party appearing at ten p.m., Captain Stamford was ordered to spike his guns; and this enfeebled force moved off with as much quietness as the frantic state of the men would permit. Alinost every thing was abandoned, owing to Clue desertion of the camel-drivers; and at daylight they had partly descended the pass of' Surtof, when the little baggage, attires, and treasure they were able to brilig with them, fell into the hands Of the enemy. A great number of fol- lowers were here massacred. 'Without firod and tents, and marching in the burning heat of the sun, they were obliged to make one forced march to Poolajee ; where they arrived completely famished."

Another of the officers engaged in this disastrous affair writes- " We beat the enemy, but heat and thirst killed us. The men were frantic— mad. Major Clibborne's conduct was capital—coolness itself; and he only abandoned his material to save the lives of the enfeebled and frantic survivors, after all his gnu-horses, camels, and camel-drivers and followers, had either fleil or been killed. * * * We hare a ?warm in antis against us."

Letters in the Delhi Garth:: frone Beinean, dated the 17th August, give an account of an unfortunate affair neer Kamurd- " A sergemit and two companies bad been tbnpatelied by Captain hay, who in commend of a fort C011111111111.1illg KAM Keith:11 pass, to meet Lieu tenaut Golding. The party had halted for the night opposite a fort they deemed friendly ; when they were tired upon and obliged' to retreat. In a narrow de- file they were again Mt:tel.:eft, and the wliole play would in all likelihood have been ileetaiyed Mel not Captsin Start opportunely arrived with two colly:11110, 11111 e1i1111e., them to accomplish the ilispsr,silient of their assailants. Agit wits, thirteen were killed and twenty-s.!ren 'inc titled amounting to upwards of leilf their noniber. Captain Garbett tal:en active measures to punish the peo- ple of Kainurcl for itliS daring aggression."

The Botnbay papere elate that great exertions are now in progress to retrieve these disasters, noti diet it; has been found necessary to augment the army its Scinde to eouli men.— " Major-Geller:it .1".roeliS in So command. The brigade of cavalry, consist- ing of the Fourth Light Dragoons and :til Bombay Light Cavalry, ties to he -under Lieutenant-Colonel NN ilson, of the latter corps; while Colonels Va. limits and Farquharson are to coal . an I the 111fitutry brigades, and Major Lloyd the Artillery. Creat activity in caastaptelleti pervades all the mar de- part !lents a Beineity, and the aeTnere are ceestantly ilying with troops be• tsween t his and Kum:Him The junta steamers on the Indus have done good ervice. Further extracts from the Bombay papers- " Letters have been i!,.eeived from Ratio:m.1.o, the capital of Repaid, to the 29th of August. An arlay of obscreatnet, or demonstration, has been ordercd to re!erntile on the frontier, to consist of Gvelve regiments of Native Infalitry, besides sevt•ral European corp. It is not expected, however, that there will be any war, it being suli-ettal that the army has probably other objects in view." " Letters from Ilerot have lielt:gneumisved to the 8t hi of August. All teas

quiet, but report is rife that arra are actually in progress for a cant-

paign in that quarter, as it is feared that on the first opportunity the fruits of our twenty-sixty Ines of rupees will be made over to the highestbidder among the Persians or Russians. This opinions is strengthened by the circumstance of the number of elements of the force, particularly cavalry, at present being poured into Sande being much greater than is required for the chastisement of the Belooches, and that a further destination to the borders of Persia is in con- templation for their services."