14 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 8

Mr. Alfred Power, an Assistant Poor-law Commissioner, has Foe- eeeded

Sir Edward tread ill the superintendence of the Poor-law Unions, in the Worcester district.

Mr. Mott, one of the Assistant Poor-law Commissioners, is now in Manchester making the preliminary arrangements for iminediately in- trodneing the new Poor- law into that town. A requisition has been presented to the Churchwardens, praying them to convene a public meeting of the inhabitants to oppose the measure ; but those gentlemen declined to emu ply -with the request on their own responsibility : at tho same time, they common-el to sign a remonstrance to the Marquis of Normanhy ageinst its introduction into the district, " as well on the ground of its being utterle. unnecessary, as of the impracticability of carrying into effect in Meeeheeter the minute provisions of that law."

The eleti-ceiovery llyeder states that several congregations have acted upon the recommendation of the Anti-Slavery Convention to exclude sleve-holders and slave-dealers from their commuoion. It spe- cifies as haviog done so, the Baptist congregations of' the churches at Cannon Street in Birmingham, Totteuham, and Ockendon and A vely, in Essex, and the 'Independent congregation of Church Street Chapel, Buckingham.