14 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 9


The election of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh took place on Tues- day. It had been postponed front Friday, the day first appointed, as an action had been threatened in the Court of Session to set aside the late eivie elections: this action, however' seems to have been abandoned. The candidates proposed were Sir James Forrest, who has had the office already three years, and Mr. Adam Black, Sir John Dalyell proposed Sir James; and spoke so strongly in favour of Dissenters and of Mr. Black, that Bailie Grieve, Mr. Black's proposer, said he thought front the tenour of the speech that Sir John was about to forestal hurt by proposing Mr. Black himself! When the candidates had been moved and seeended, Mr. Black made an ineffectual endeavour to induce Sir James Forrest to explain his sentiments. Bailie Grieve also urged the necessity of a speech from Sir James Forrest, on the ground that as he had changed his opinions sD often, it would be desirable to know what they are at present. Mr. Black then addreseel the Town•Coun- ell, and referred to the declarations of Sir James l'errest against Dis- senters in his canvass: this election had been mad- ::::ezether a Church question ; and he alluded to the coalition of pariiss et. eeposite political principles for the purpose of opposing a Dissenter. The Council then voted ; when the numbers were—for Sir James For rest, 17 ; for Mr. Black, 14. The other candidate, Mr. Drysdale, rt.t:rel before time day of nomination; and his party voted for SIT. James Forrest, which gave Sir James the majority.

The next important office, the City Treasurer was then filled up by the nppointment of a decided Conservative ; the nambers being— for Mr. Drysdale (Conservative) 17, for Mr. Renton (Whig) 15.

Mr. Hustle, M.P. for Paisley, who has been laid up since about the commencement of the shootin;a-season in the Nile!), with a broken ten- don, or some such injury in time leg, is now Ale to proeeel to London ; and passed throuOt Edinburgh for that purpose in the beginning of the Weeli.—Gluvow Chronicle.

The late General Sir Jos,.Th Stratton has beque.eled about 70,0001, to the College of Edinburgh, being the bulk of his personal property.

An action was lately trie 1 in the Sheriff Small I ade Court, Glasgow, to recover front the Glasgow and Ayr ltsilway Cnnieany compensation for the loss of' time and expenses ari,ina Timm the Col!Ipany not having conveyed a passenger to Ardresan in time for the s•e.,:n-boat to Arran. It was proved that the time occupied on the joureey was much longer than the time-table hell oet beforehand ; and tine complainant was obliged to remain at Ardrossan from Saturday night till Monday. The Jury awarded hint the amount of his expenses at Ardrossan, end the amount of the hire of a car, which the prosecutor was obliged to en- gage at Kilwineing; the branch railway train to Ardrossan having siarted before the Glasaow train arrived. The elaha for the loss of time was not granted, :Is Sanday intervened.