14 NOVEMBER 1846, Page 9

We find the subjoined letter in the Times of this

morning— "TO Tint EDITOR OF TUE TIMES.

.• London, Nov. 13.

" Sir—It having been asserted in the Newcastle Journal of the 31st ultimo, and in the Spectator of the 7th instant, that one of the new timber bridges erected on the North British Railway, in lien of the stone bridges that were swept away by the extraordinary floods of the rivers of Ha.ldingtonshire on the 29th of Sep- tember last, had fallen down, after they had all been approved by me, I beg to state that the editors of those journals have been misinformed, as no such failure of any of the new bridges inspected by me has taken place; and therefore, all the inferences drawn by them from assuming such to be the fact, are entirely errone-

ous. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, "C. W. Rasura', Major-GeneraL"

The statement of the fact was copied by us from the Newcastle Journal, and we cited our authority. We accept General Pasley's contradiction with pleasure. It may be observed, however, that the contradiction is limited -to one point in the statement; and that only a part of the comment rested upon that point.]