14 NOVEMBER 1863, Page 21

Letters from the Crimea. (Emily Faithfull.)--Theso are letters written by

a rifleman, who was killed at the last unsuocessful assault of the Redan, to his relatives at home. They add nothing to our know- ledge of the incidents of the siege, but they give an interesting picture of one who was at once a good soldier and a good son. It is not uncom- mon to hear people talk as though the finer affections were a sort of monopoly of well-to-do people, but this book proves that even a corporal in the army may have in his character the elements of heroism, tender- ness, courage, patriotism, and simple-mindedness. The great desire of the writer was to be able to do something to lighten the poverty of his parents in their old age, and it is with this object that his letters are now published.