14 NOVEMBER 1868, Page 1


THE last Parliament held under the Reform Bill of 1832 was dissolved on Wednesday, and the writs for a new one issued the same night. Most of the borough nominations take place on Monday, and the pollings on Tuesday ; but the earliest county elections will be on Friday, and it will be Tuesday week before the returns are quite complete and Mr. Gladstone's majority precisely ascertained. As yet we see no reason to alter our estimate of 100 as the minimum number, and it may be largely increased by victories in the contested seats. As the day approaches, the abso- lute determination of the electors to exact one pledge, fidelity to Mr. Gladstone, becomes more marked, even Earl Grosvenor having been compelled to swallow that pill. He did it without a wry face, too, abusing the "personal payment" idea as if he had never voted for it, and will probably, for some time at least, adhere to his colours. According to appearances, the immense Liberal majority of December will be disciplined like a regiment.