14 NOVEMBER 1885, Page 25

Patience Wins ; or, War in, the TVorks. By a

Manville Fenn. (Blackie and Son.)—The hero, a lad in his teens, goes down with his three uncles to take possession of a manufacturing concern which they have purchased. Arrowfield is the name of the place, a mani- fest alias, we soon find out, for Sheffield. They are warned that they will meet with much hostility, and the warnings are amply fulfilled. In the first place, the factory has been allowed to remain in the hands of some workmen who enjoy its facilities for nothing, and these make a violent resistance against being turned out. Then, when the new firm is fairly in possession, and starts its works with certain improve- ments, there are hostilities of another kind. In fact, we have a history of the old " rattening" business. Here are clearly the materials for a very stirring story, and no one knows better than Mr. Fenn how such a story should be told. The title tells us what the end will be ; but the reader will go through not a little agitating suspense before he reaches it.