14 NOVEMBER 1903, Page 23

St. Francis of Assisi. By Anna M. Stoddart. (Methuen and

Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—Miss Stoddart has accomplished a difficult piece of work with much success. She appreciates that in St. Francis which raises him to a region above all differences of dogmatic belief. Never was a man more Christ-like ; and all who " profess and call themselves Christians" should be able to regard him with admira- tion and love. Generally the miracles are omitted; the story of the stigmata is excepted. A Roman Catholic biographer could hardly do this, for miracles are essential to saiutship ; but the omission does not make the Life less edifying. The narrative of how Francis was compelled to give up what seemed to him of the essence of his work is clearly told. It was bitterness to him ; but the Order would hardly have endured if it had not been done.