14 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 13



SIR,—The atrocities committed by the Kaiser's troops in Belgium, which are awakening the indignation of the world, afford a startling contrast to the conduct of the fathers of those troops during the invasion of France in 1870. In your issue of October 17th you cite from Sir Thomas Fraser a testi- mony that the French peasants of 1870 could give their German invaders the credit of "respecting the women, and doing what was wanted in the way of help." In more than one invaded part of France I used to hear ladies give similar testimony as to 1870, conceding that their invaders behaved far better than French troops would have done if they had captured German towns. But a more striking testimony fell into my hands by accident recently, when I came upon

the address which Max Muller delivered before the Germans of London at their Festival of Peace on the conclusion of the war with France (May 1st, 1871). He says in the course of it :— " In no war has there been so little unnecessary cruelty; in no war has every crime been punished so severely; in no war has humanity [ifensehlichkeit] achieved such triumphs. We are prouder of these triumphs than of all the triumphs of our arms [Auf these Triumphs wind wir stater als auf ails Triumphs unserer Waifen]."

—I am, Sir, &c., COURTNEY KENNY.

Downing Cortege, Cambridge.