14 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 14

[To THE EDITOR O➢ THE "SPECTATOR:1 Silt,—It was suggested in

last week's Spectator that it would be worth while for the London papers to publish statistics of recruiting. But the publication of statistics will not attract men who, for three months, have taken no notice of every other sort of appeal. The men who appreciate these things have all enlisted. What is wanted in the newspapers is something which will hit the unheeding. As far as 1 can see, all the papers deplore the playing of professional football, but they all publish the results and reports of the matches. And yet the suppression of all football news would cause an enormous sensation. Thousands of men who cannot he made to think would soon realize that this is not the time for football news.

The rest would then be easy.—I am, Sir, &c., K.