14 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 15


[To TRZ EDITOR OF THZ "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Is the gifted writer of your weekly notes an Anglo- Saxon or a Scotsman P In those bearing last Saturday's date I read the now oft-repeated fable that our kind friends and Christian brothers, the London Scottish, were the first Terri- torial regiment to take their place in the firing line. This admittedly gallant regiment did what was required of them efficiently and in the best military style, but so also did the Northumberland Yeomanry about three weeks before. The average patriotic but self-deprecatory Englishman is still dimly wondering why the " bare " fact of wearing the kilt carries with it in almost every case columns of potential Press notices. Englishmen in their solid, sober way are content to provide over ninety per cent. of the men and to do more than ninety per cent. of the hard and desperate work without advertisement, but are apt to become a little restive at the relentless shower of praise upon the brave and blushing " kilties," who are after all performing no more than their fair share of the general task. We English are nothing if not long-suffering, patient, and perhaps too magnanimous, but it would reassure us, on the particular point raised, if you were to "pat us on the back" next week.—I am, Sir, &c., [We are delighted with the well-merited reproof delivered by our correspondent, and agree with every word of it. We are among those who hold most firmly to the belief that " there's something in the English after all." We may point out, however, that we only followed the telegrams in saying that the London Scottish were the first Territorials to be engaged. Of course, what ought to have been said was "the first Territorial infantry to be engaged."—ED. Spectator.]