14 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR or THE "SFECTATOR.'] SIR.—A8 showing the mind of very youthful Italy towards the war, this little story, told me by a dear Italian friend a few days ago, is not without interest. When talking with a small boy of nine or ten she found him bitterly lamenting the impossibility to play at war any more with his schoolmates. "But why ?" she asked greatly astonished, knowing this game was a passion with the boys, and bad more than once necessitated police interference when the combats between pretended national enemies waxed bloodthirsty. "O! because all the boys will be English, French, Belgians, Russians ; they will not be Germans." " You never minded playing Turks in the Balkan War, so why not Tedeschi now ? " " No, no, it is impossible ; we did not mind being Turks, but Tedeschi, no, troppo brutto ! "—I am, Sir, &c.,