14 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 18


SPECTATOR.] .Sin,--7-May I bring to the notice of your readers the programme

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of a Conference on Social Insurance Which is being organized

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under the auspices of the League of Nations Union from November 23-26th at the London School of Economies? If is tO be similar in seope. to the Conference on Uneniplbyment organized by the same Society in March of last year, the pro- :ceedings of which were afterwards published by the Inter :lathing! Labour Organization. This year sessions of the Con- ference will be devoted to

1. The Government Pensions Scheme.

2. The Unification of Social Insurance.'

8. Health Insurance.

4. Workmen's Compensation and Accident Prevention.

• 5. Unemployment Insurance.

6. Family Insurance.

7. International Aspects of Social Insurance.

It is hoped to focus public opinion-on the importance. of the national and international-aspects Of Social. Ins:Mince and On the work.. done by the International Labour Organization in.ihis sphere. I therefore venture to hope that your teiwleis Will, give the COnference their support- 'Aitaing those who have consented to speak are Sir William Beveridge, K.C.B., Mr. -.H. B. Butler, C.B. (Deputy Director), Dr. Stephen Bauer (International Association for Labour Legisla- tion), Sir Kingsley Wood, M.P., Sir Alfred Mond, M.P., Sir Henry Slesser, M.P., Lady Astor, M.P.; Miss Ellen Wilkinson, M.P., Mrs. Barbara Wootton, Mr. J. L. Cohen, Mr. J. McBride, Sir Arthur Newsholme, Sir Thomas Neill, and Mr. H. -N. Brailsford. Further particulars and tielcets of admission may be obtained from the Secretary, 15 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. 1.