14 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 18


of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Twice the Spectator has published reports from me of the traffic in horses for foreign butchery ; and subsequent inveitigation confirmed my . statements, and led to certain reforms. May I say now that, in spite of considerable im- provements on this side, many Of the horses suffer extremely between shipment and death, and from cruel killing ? I will give full particulars to anyone who cares to call, or write to me at the R.S.P.C.A. office, 105 Jermyn Street. Last month, at the great Refrigerator at the Amsterdam Abattoir, the expert gave us his opinion that horseflesh killed in England, allowed to cool, and chilled on the boats, would reach Holland in quite satisfactory condition. Thrift, as well as humanity, would urge the keeping of an industry, and valuable by-.

products, on this- am, Sir, &e.,

80 Kestrel Avenue, Herne Hill, S.E. 24. •

- A. M. F: COLE.