14 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 26


THE EDITOR OFFERS TWO PRIZES OF £.10 EACH, • • THE FIRST FOR AN INSCRIPTION FOR A SUNDIAL IN PROSE OR VERSE, THE SECOND FOR AN EPIGRAM ON WOMAN IN FOUR LINES OF VERSE. • THERE are now two weeks only before the competition closes : ber of entries is already huge; but, as we mentioned last week, the last coupon will be Published in next week's issite. The ntim-' the sundial inscriptions have far outnumbered the epigrants on woman, and if anyone in these two weeks should hit upon a particularly good epigram ha will be well in the running for the - prize. We suggest, then, that the most ambitious Of our com- petitors should confine themselves to this subject—unless their inspiration quite runs away with them and they are confident that they have found the world's hest sundial inscriptidn. Has woman lost her variousness ? Are we now so intimate with her nature that we take no more interest in her ? Or is it true (as a heterodox psycho-analyst recently affirmed) that men and women differ only through the impress of circumstances and not in the essence of their souls 't RULES FOR COMPETITORS

I. All entries must be received on or before Friday. Nov. 27th.

2. Competitors may send in as many entries as they wish, but each entry must be accompanied by one of the coupons to be found on page 906 of this issue.

S. The name and address (or the pseudonym) of every com- petitor must be written clearly at the foot of his manuscript. 4. The Editor cannot return any manuscript submitted for the competition, nor can he enter into correspondence with competitors.

5. The Editor reserves the right of printing any manuscript submitted.

6. Envelopes must be addressed : Competition, the Spectator, 13 York Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. 2.