14 NOVEMBER 1931, Page 1

Empty Alarms The session is likely to be short, and

in the cir- cumstances it is well it should be. The Government has its task and its mandate to discharge that task. Most of wInit it has to do lies in the field of administra- tion, and within limits the House is likely to be ready enough to arm Ministers with any special powers they think may be called for. Legislation on ordinary lines is not the immediate need, apart from measures like the Statute of Westminster and the London Passenger Traffic Bill, which should for different reasons get through without much delay. The Protectionists under Sir Henry Page Croft are already taking steps to press their views, and the fact that Sir Henry's Empire Industries Committee numbers over 300 members, and could therefore in theory come near overthrowing the Government, has been well advertised. Ministers may sit easy so far as that is concerned. Members joining the committee may have done so for various reasons. A desire to unseat the Government is extremely unlikely to be one of them, and if Sir Henry could carry half his flock into the Opposition Lobby he might con- sider he had done extremely well. First impressions suggest that the Cabinet intends to pursue a sound middle course which will keep Ministers themselves united and give the country the Government it needs.