14 NOVEMBER 1941, Page 12


Sm,—In your issue of November 7th, 1941, under the title of " A Spectator's Notebook," " Janus " writes as follows: " It is fantastic that at a time when every Government domiciled here numbers among its .Ministers men who have been delegates or officials at Geneva there should not be so much as a League of Nations office in existence in London at all—only one capable official working from her flat."

I believe it is fairly generally known, especially among the Govern- ments to which you refer, that the Treasury of the League, which finances all organisations of the League, including the International Labour Office, has had an office in London since June, 194o, and that the Treasurer of the League has made his headquarters in London since May 17th of this year. Moreover, recently in the House of Commons the Foreign Office gave this information to the House.

The office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (another League

organ) is also situated in London!—Yours truly, S. JACKLIN, 5 Hyde Park Square, W.C. 2. Treasurer, League of Nations.

[" Janus " writes: I am the last to under-rate the importance of finance, and I apologise for the omission. But what I was suggesting was that there should be at least the skeleton of a political organisa- tion in London representing the League.]