14 OCTOBER 1843, Page 9


Steen EXOBANOE, FRIDAY ArrtiurooN.

The great improvement in the revenue, coupled with the prospect of an ap- proaching termination of the Repeal movement in Ireland, has given a decided impulse to the prices of Public Securities; which are today nearly 1 per cent above the quotations of last week. The market has on more than one occa- sion experienced a trilling decline upon the promulgation of sinister and idle rumours; but the effect was never of long continuance ; as will be seen by the general result of the week's proceedings. Business commenced on Wednesday in the various Stocks the dividends upon which became due on the 10th in- stant, and which are in course of payment today; and it will afford some idea of the general steadiness of the market, that the prices of both the Three per Cent Stocks, viz. Console and Reduced, are today within * per cent of the quotations on 1st September, when the books of the Reduced closed for the Dividend. The price of Reduced Three per Cents on that day, with divi- dend, was 951; and the average price today is 941 ex dividend, or 951 with dividend. The average price of Consols on both days was and is 95. The Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks have risen more in proportion than the

others; and, making the requisite allowance for thrt":dividend, both New and

Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents are 1 per cent higher than they were at closing the books of the latter stock. There has been liery ger0e91.4isPosi- tion for investment among the public, and some large purchases have occurred in the Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks; among others, a very extensive one by the Bank Broker. The business of the Foreign Market has been more important than usual ; and we have to notice an improvement of nearly 2 per cent in Spanish Three per Cent Stock. It is stated that the dividend, which will become due on the 31st December, is provided for ; and this circumstance, in addition to the ap- parent firmness of the present Government in Spain, has given courage to the speculators. A notice has been issued from the Committee of the Stock Ex- change, declaring that after today the price of Mexican Stock quoted in the Official List shall be that of the Bonds without the two dividends of the present year. The price of these securities has not suffered any ma- terial variation ' • and is today within 1 per cent of that of last week. Dutch Bonds have experienced some fluctuation ; and, after declining at the commencement of the week, have improved again, and are today rather in ad- vance of our last quotations. Brazilian and the oiler South American Stocks are without any change of importance. The last issued variety of the former Stock, known in the technicality of the market as Brazilian 1843, is in great favour with the Dutch capitalists, and consequently ranges in price nearly on the same level with the Brazilian of 1824; while the loans of the same Go- vernment of 1829 and 1839 are nearly 5 per cent below the original stock in value. A demand has also arisen for Portuguese Converted Bonds, occasioned by the belief in the approaching conclusion of the commercial treaty ; and as these purchases have occurred in conjunction with some others made on Dutch account, the price has improved about per cent.

The transactions in Railway Shares, though general and tolerably extensive, do not afford scope for remark ; the fluctuations having been unimportant, and merely arising from the temporary preponderance of buyers or sellers.

SATURDAY. TwaLyc o'crucr..

The English Funds are firmer, the Three per Cent Stocks having advanced 1 per cent. The Three-and-a-half per Cents are unchanged. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is 1 per cent higher : the others are unchanged. Mexican Bonds are quoted at 311, without the two coupons for the present year ; and as the value of these with all their advantages is estimated at 21, the quotation is the same as yesterday. In our notice of the Railway Shares yesterday, we omitted to remark upon the arrangement concluded between the Eastern Counties and Northern and Eastern Railway Companies ; by which the former has taken a lease of the Northern and Eastern Railway, under an agreement to pay a rent equal to 5 per cent upon the capital employed in its construction, and to divide with its proprietors one-third of the joint profits arising from both lines after the deduction of the rent above alluded to. The Shares of both Railways have been in demand; those of the Northern and Eastern having risen about 3/., and those of the Eastern Counties in a less degree. We have to notice the following transactions in Railway Shares : Great Western, 86; Ditto, Fifths, 161; Birmingham, New, 221; Manchester and Leeds, 83; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 41; Northern and Eastern, 431; York and North Midland, New, 46.

SATURoly, Two O'cLOCK,

The English Fonds continue to improve, and close today at ii per cent ad- vance on the opening prices. lu the Foreign Market, some considerable tram- actions have occurred in Spanish Three per Cent Stock, which after being at 291, closes at 281 1; Mexican Bonds are lower, and close at 301 11. We have to notice the following business in Railway Shares in addition to those given in the morning: Bristol and Exeter, 60; Eastern Counties, 81; Ditto, New, Registered, 101; Glasgow and Greenock, 72k ; Great North of England, 86; Brighton, 3611; Manchester and Birmingham, 361; Northern and Eastern, 441; South-eastern and Dover, 2611; Ditto, Scrip, 261: a transaction is also recorded in National Provincial Bank of England, 33:}.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

951 1 951 1 941 4 Chiliaa Deferred Colombian 6 per Cents,1824 ex Venezuela ex div 40 42 111 i 31 per Cent Ditto.

1011 i Danish 3 per Cents 85 86 New at per Cents

1021 I Dutch 21 per Ceuts 531 4 Bauk Stock for Account

1794 80 Ditto 5 per Cents 981 94 Exchequer Bills Prem. 62 65 Mexican 5 per Cents Cooed . 301 14 India Stock

269 Portuguese New 5 p.Cts.1841 44 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents

72 4 Russian 5 per Cents 115 116 Belgian 5 per Cents

105 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 28k I Chilian 6 per Cents

98 100 Ditto 3 per Cents 1862 20 i