14 OCTOBER 1865, Page 2

A County Lyceum for Surrey was opened on Thursday, at

Crauley, a place between Guildford and Horsham. It is in- -tended, like the one at Framlingham, to afford to lads of the middle class the advantages of a public school. The buildings have been erected at a cost of 11,0001., raised by subscription, and though unfortunately they are only adapted for 150 youths, they may hereafter be enlarged. The school is to be entirely self-supporting, a feature for which we are not disposed to give its promoters the slightest credit. We never could see why the national grant for education should be spent exclusively on one class, and the payment of the head master by the State would secure his independence. If dependent on parents he will yield to parents, and Surrey would show its energy much more wisely in compelling the Education Department to do its duty, or agitating/ for the transfer of some mis-spent charity to the aid of its county school. If, however, the classes which can elect Mr. Locke King in opposition to the squires do not care to get their children as perfectly educated as their labourers', there is nothing to be said.