14 OCTOBER 1882, Page 15


[To THE Dorm OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—IN the Spectator of the 7th inst., there was published a letter from Goldwin Smith on Ireland, in the course of which he said that " the Irish, World [the organ of the Fenians of New York] appears, like some other curious properties, to be owned by a Jew." The state. -nt was accepted by the Pall Mall Gazette, which mentioned it in its issue of Saturday. We had reason, on the contrary, to believe that it was utterly untrue. We there- fore despatched (through one of the leading American Banking houses) a special telegram to New York, as follows :— "Is Irish World owned by a Jew P' To this inquiry we received the following reply :— " Proprietor-Editor Irish World is Patrick Ford; no Jew."

[We know nothing of the facts ; but the Jewish Chronicle 'quotes no authority, except a telegram from New York.—En. .Spectator.]