14 OCTOBER 1893, Page 11

Kiirschner's Deutscher Litteratur-Kalender, (Kiirselmer's Selbst- verlag, Eisenach.)—We gave last year

so full an account of Professor Kiirschner's admirable Literary Calendar, which con- tains every desirable information respecting living German authors and literary institutions and societies in Germany, that it will suffice to say that this year's issue is not only equal to its predecessors in point of completeness and correctness, but that it can boast of a great improvement. Formerly, the so-called " Stadteschau," containing an alphabetical list of the towns all over the world where German authors reside, with the names of the latter, was issued in a small separate volume; but this year this welcome Appendix has been embodied in the main work itself, which arrangement is both more convenient and safer, since the tiny supplementary booklet was apt to be mislaid. The book is now so complete in itself and so faultlessly fitted-out, that we are unable to suggest any new feature in order to make it more perfect ; but we may be allowed to make the following sug- gestion. The Literary Calendar is, as a rule, adorned with some portraits of literary celebrities. Would it not bo appropriate to bring out next year—when the book will be published for the sixteenth time—the portrait of the editor himself, who has rendered such a signal service to the German literary world by his useful compilation ? We believe that such an addition would be welcome to all the possessors of the volume in and out of Germany.