14 OCTOBER 1905, Page 25

Any one who will send a shilling to Mlle. Petry,

18 Rue St.- Denis, Quebec, may have, while doing a charitable act, an interesting Discours, preached by the Cure of Quebec on January 10th, 1799, in the cathedral of that city, on the occasion of the Battle of the Nile. There is no trace of French sym- pathies. The Bishop, who issues his pastoral letter on December 22nd, 1798, when he could speak of "la certitude indubitable" of the victory (won on August lst-2nd), writes of France as "la nation superbe qui ne vent quo la guerre"; and the Cure, who was also Coadjutor, is enthusiastic in his praise of the British Government. He dwells especially on the immunity of his countrymen from taxes. " Entendez yeas parler," he cries, "depuis pres de quarante aim de complete, de ces tallies, de ces impets, de ces capitations multipliees, sous lesquelles gemissent tant de nations P" And he goes on in words which are not without a present-day application :—"Avez vous contribue le moms du monde aux frais de la guerre dispenclieuse quo la Grande Bretagne sentient F"