14 OCTOBER 1922, Page 22

The Challenge.—We welcome the appearance in new form on September

29th of The Challenge, which began life, we believe, in 1914. The new paper sets out to deal directly, simply, and without prejudices with life, literature and politics. Its attitude, judged by the first number, is broadly Christian. Its appear- ance, printing and the matter presented constitute a remark- able threepennyworth. Mr. Arnold S. Toynbee discusses " The Crisis in the Near East," and among other articles are " At the Back of the Housing Problem," by Mr. W. McG. Eagar, and " The Want of Reality," by the Rev. H. R. L. Sheppard. Under the heading of " The Bookranger " and over the signature "Delta" appears a discussion of anthologies, and " The Editor's Bookshelf " comprises a series of short, paragraphs concerning new and forthcoming books.