14 OCTOBER 1938, Page 21

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—May I as a

close student of The Spectator for the last half-century express my admiration for the sane and balanced line which you have taken all through the recent crisis ? In the last decade of the joint editorship of Mr. Hutton and Mr. Townsend I read the paper with great attention. During my husband's long editorship I heard the policy of the paper constantly canvassed and the articles discussed beforehand. I hope you will allow me to say that your line during the last weeks is in accordance with the best traditions of the paper. I am confident that with the inner knowledge of the back- ground of political events which is at the disposal of a great newspaper, but is not possessed by the ordinary voter, you will be able to help your readers to analyse for themselves the present dangerous and, as you imply in your leader, humiliating situation of the country. The responsibility of every elector is heavy, and a debt of gratitude is owed to a newspaper which with clear sight and absence of panic puts the facts of the situation week by week before its readers.—