14 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 10


It is currently reported, that the arrangement by which the Marquis Wellesley goes to Ireland as Lord-Lieutenant, and the Duke of Ar- gyle succeeds to his office of Lord-Steward of the Household, has been made, not so much with a view to the public good, as for the con- venience of two very necessitous noblemen ; whose private circum- stances had arrived at such a state, that, to use a common phrase, "they could go on no longer." It is to be hoped for the credit of Earl Grey's Administration, that this is not the real secret of the state charges in question.

Mr. Littleton is about to resign his commission as Lieutenant- Colo- nel in the Staffordshire Yeomanry, his official duties as Secretary for Ireland claiming all his attention.

Mr. Corrie, of Birmingham, is to be one of the Central Board of the Irish Poor Law Commissioners.

The place of one of the Deputies to the Registrar of the Admiralty Court is vacant by the death of Mr. James Farquhar.

An order has been issued by the Admiralty, directing that Midship- men who have passed for 'lieutenants one complete year, shall be eli- gible to fill the ratings reserved in each ship, according to the circular of 10th January 1833.

The Admiralty have determined to adopt a new Naval Police in the different dock-yards, in consequence of the numerous depredations by the marine sentinels stationed to protect the stores. No fewer than six of these sentinels were lately apprehended on charges of theft. The new Naval Police has already been stationed at Chatham.

The mansion at the north-west angle of Belgmve Square, which was building, it was said, for the Lord Chancellor, and for the last two years sinking under dilapidations, is now rapidly advancing to com- pletion.

Grosvenor Square is blocked up with immense piles of granite, pre- paratory to macadamizing the whole district.

The chief of a celebrated club in St. James's Street, established not above three years, and with humble means, has realized a handsome competence and retired from business. Houses of this description in London were never, it is said, more numerous or more splendidly fitted up than at the present season.

A correspondent of the Times complains that he was compelled by the sentinel on duty at the Horse Guards, to put down his umbrella on a showery morning, as he passed under the archway. He says truly that " the order is the very essence of humbug," and wishes to know whence it emanated.

Earl Fitzwilliam is about to divide his large estates. The English estates, amounting to upwards of 70,0001. a year, are to be settled upon Lord Milton (recently allied to the daughter of the Earl of Liverpool); and the Irish estates, worth more than 30,0001. a year, upon the Earl's second son.—.Herald.

Lord Eldon, notwithstanding his advanced age, managed to travel from the North, by rather a quick march, and arrive at Encombe, his seat in the West, just in time to commence partridge-shooting on the 2d of September. The veteran brought down eleven brace of birds the first day.

Sir Robert Adair, our Ambassador to the King of the Belgians, has been seriously unwell, but is now better.

The cost of the projected rail-road from London to Brighton is es- tiMated at 825,0001., and the income at 125,0001. a year.

The amount advanced out of the vote of last session, of one million, for the assistance of certain West India proprietors, has been—to Jamaica, 79,200/. ; to St. Vincent, 117,600/. There are, besides, granted on further application, the securities for which are not yet com- pleted—for Jamaica, 119,000/. ; for Barbadoes, 109,2501. ; for St. Vin- cent, 76,700/ ; and for St. Lucia, 20,000/ ; making a total of 325,1501.

The Duke of Orleans has remitted to Boulogne the sum of 500 francs, for the relief of the three men saved from the Amphitrite.

The health of President Jackson is stated, in the last accounts re- ceived-from the United States, to be much improved.

On Thursday last, at eight in the mondng, thirty-flue young pigeons, belonging to the members of a society of pigeon-fanciers at Antwerp, 'were sent off from Paris ; and, notwithstanding the wind and rain, one of these winged messengers reached the dovecote of its owner, M. Gneninge, at two in the afternoon. Before four, eighteen of the birds had arrived. Considering the state of the atmosphere, and the age of the birds, this result is very remarkable.— Galignani's Messenger.

A letter from Marseilles states, that a few days since, two young men, inhabitants of the town, met to fight a duel ; but, by the intervention of the seconds, were reconciled, without proceeding to extremities. One of the seconds, delighted at the result, raised his arm with a movement of exultation towards his principal (M. P--) ; when, unhappily, the pistol which be held in his hand, and which was only charged with powder, went off, and, as the muzzle was close to M. P----'s breast, wounded him so severely that he expired a few minutes afterwards.— French Paper.

At a late meeting of the Academie des Sciences in Paris, M. Mo- reau de Jonnes read an interesting paper, the object of which was to show the relative number of deaths in the different parts of Europe,— one of the many instances of the nice statistical calculations which our neighbours are in the habit of making. From this it appears, that in the Roman States and ancient Venetian Provinces, 1 in 27 dies an- nually; in all Italy, Greece, and Turkey, 1 in 30; in the Nether- lands, France, and Prussia, 1 in 39; In Switzerland, Austria, Spain and Portugal, 1 in 40; in Russia (in Europe) and Po- land, 1 in 44; in Germany,. Denmark, and- Sweden, 1 in 45; in Nor- way ,l in 48; in Ireland, 1 in 53; in England, 1 in 58; and in Scot- land, and Iceland, 1 in 59. Thus, it appears, that of the whole of Eu- rope, in Italy there is the least chance of life or of its long duration. The average of deaths yearly in Europe, out of a population of 210,000,000, is .5,256,000, which is equal to one-fortieth of the whole ; this, however, varies unequally between the North and the South. The former have but 1 death in 44, while the latter have 1 in 36. Out of 1,000,000 of inhabitants the deaths amount to 22,701 in the countries situate North of France, and 27,800 South of France,;.-or a difference of 50,000, equal to 1-200th of the population. M. Moreau de Jonnes had also made calculations tending to prove that the proportion of mor- tality is diminishing; which fact is confirmed by the returns in several great cities, proving incontestably the material ameliorations which have taken place in the great cities.

-Drury Lane Theatre is to open on the 1st of October.

A short time ago, five prisoners confined at Mont St. Michel, for robbery, were condemned to a short additional term of imprisonment by the Tribunal of Correctional Police at Avranches, for having broken the looms at which they were employed in their prison. They lodged an appeal before the Superior Court at Coutances, which a few days since confirmed the sentence. As soon as the judgment was pro- nounced, they each took off their wooden shoes, and hurled them at the Judges. One of them would have struck the head of the President had be not warded it off with his arm. The Procureur du Roi imme- diately moved that they should be sent before the Court of Assizes to be tried for this new offence, which he stated had compromised their lives. To this the prisoners audaciously replied, " So much the better! 'tis just what we wanted."