14 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 6

The Crusader steam-boat arrived at Dover on Tuesday, with one

hun- dred and ten passengers and aye carriages, one of which was seized by deCustomhouse-officers for containing contraband goods. The carriage was occupied by two Frenchmen, who stated that they had despatches for the Prince Talleyrand. They were the bearers of despatches, and also a large quantity of silk and jewellery, that were packed up as de- spatches, which were stowed in the fore-boot of their carriage. The official communications were packed in a green leather bag, the shape and size of a carpet travelling-bag, and sealed with the official seal of the Foreign Department at Paris. The bag that contained the con- traband goods, had also the seal of the French Foreign Department affixed to it, which must either be a forgery or surreptitiously obtained. The carriage and its contents are now under the lock of the Dover Customhouse, with the exception of the green bag containing the des- patches, which was given up to the individuals having charge of it.

An extensive seizure has been made by the Excise on the premises of a grocer residing in the Ham, Brentford, of American sloe-leaves, to be used for the adulteration of tea, its appearance being equal to that of the genuine article. The quantity seized is 180 pounds; which he had purchased only a day or two previous, at the rate of 2s. 6d. per pevad. It is suspected that the seller was the person who gave the in- formation to the officers. Proceedings have been taken against the

of : the penalties amount to upwards of 1,1001.

A somewhat singular seizure, we are informed, has been made on beard a steam-packet,—namely, a large pigeon-pie ; which, notwith- abading the feet of the birds made their appearance above the crust, was found to contain a valuable enclosure of gunpowder tea."----Hull Packet.