14 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 8


Additional particulars of the dreadful effects of the gale have been received since our last publication. We mentioned in the account of the loss of the convict ship Amphi- trite, that she was reported to have been unseaworthy previously to her sailing from Portsmouth. The truth or falsehood of this report is to be ascertained. The Hanphire Telegraph says

"Captain Chads, C.B., of the Royal Navy, who resides at Fareham, was yes- terday sent for by the Admiralty Board, and ordered to proceed forthwith to Boulogne, to inquire into the circumstances attending the loss of the Amphi- trite convict ship. This ship has recently been in the transport service, and was well known at this port as a crazy vessel seven years ago."

A letter from Boulogne, of the 3d instant, mentions the following particulars respecting the burial of the persons lost with the vessel.

" The interment of the sixty-five bodies thrown ashore took place yesterday. They were followed by. upwards of two thousand persons, headed by the English Consul, and were deposited in two trenches. At eight o'clock, another body was thrown On shore, but it does not appear to have belonged to the Amphitrite. This morning those of a woman and three men were puked up. They were buried at four. o'clock this afternoon. Owen and Towsey (the two men who were saved) determined to go and view the bodies of their lost companions, and were followed by a crowd of the populace, whose curiosity evereame their dis- cretion. On their return, they declared that amongst these rive bodies they re- cognized the surgeon, the second mate, the cook, and one of the sailors, but could not say who the woman was. Towsey dined yesterday at General Max- well's, who has taken him in charge. lie has been a midshipman fur five years, and belongs to a respectable fondly."

We copy from the Morning Herald a letter from the Reverend Mr. Holloway, of Brancaster, relative to the shipwreck of the Earl of Wemyss. It will be seen that the agent of the vessel at Leith, as well as the Captain, has been much to blame. The conduct of the latter, indeed, if it has been truly reported, calls for severe punishment; and

we trust that he will nut be allowed to escape from it. • " Rectory, Braneastes Stli September. Ism. " Reading in your Paper of the 4th instant, a letter signed Andrew lion- burgh,' giving an account of the above ves.el, permit me, through the same me- dium (and in that gentleman's absence), to request the agent, Mr. :Malcolm Macnaughtan, of the Leith Mien f, to whom that later was addressed, to inform the public for what reason he has suppressed pat t of the said letter, and in-

serted a garbled statement. As the affair may lead to further investigation, it will merely be sufficient to state, that all the passengers who have survived the sad accident, including A. llorsburgh, Esq., attribute the melancholy affair to the neglect of common precaution on the part of the Captain and seamen ; and, as the minister of the parish, I cannot help expressing the regret, not to say in- dignation, at the entire want of feeling and liberally displayed since the sad of bir by the Captain and agent rf the vessel—the latter considering it an act of great liberality even to return the passage-money to those unfortunates who have lost their all ; but, Sir, if the sad sight of eleven corpses, now lying in my church, will not move theirilintv hearts, I turn fearful they are dead to all that censure they so richly deserve. I ant, Sir, your obedient servant, "II. Hor.r.ownr.

"P.S. If it may be so termed, these poor females were drowned on dry land ; as-the ship is, and then was, on the beach. This statement I have shown to Mr. Gooch, one of the survivors, who corroborates this account in tuto ; Iris address is No. 33, Nicholas Lane, London. Names of those lost—Mrs. W. Pyre, daughter, and son ; Yrs. Juliana Cormac and son ; Mr. W. Brown ; Mrs. Hamilton, daughter, and son; Miss Susan Recite all nephew—all cabin pas- sengers."

The conduct of Mr. Holloway on this distressing occasion is men- tioned in terms of high praise and gratitude by the sufferers ; who give the following account of the behaviour of the Captain, and the circum- stances which attended the loss of the vessel—if indeed loss it can be eared, as she was still lying, when this account was written, within twenty yards of the shore.

"Her rudder was unshipped and broken, by bumping on the sands when she first struck; but she has nut a timber started:—nut a plank amiss—her mast and bowsprit as firm as the first moment they were stepped ; and they are prepar- ing to get her to sea at the next spring-tide, which (with the exception of tier rudder) they can do without driving a nail into her. It was stated in extenua- tion, that she had sprung a leak ; but when she was left high and dry, th; was no leak to let the water out again, and they were obliged to scuttle her to clear her cabins and hold. The lamentable occurrence was caused by the per- verse obstinacy or ignorance of the Captain. She was lying on a lee-shore in shallow-water, imbedded in the sand, and motionless, But tremendous seas (greatly caused by her being broad-side on) breaking over her, her skylights hail been carried away: In their attempt to launch the boat, her hatchways were left open ; consequently, at every sea the water increased upon them. The Cmtam was asked by the passengers to set the pumps going : he would not. He was entreated to have the hatchway battened down and the skylights covered : he would not. He said there was no danger ; the ladies would be safe enough if they were put into the upper berths. This was dune by a pas- senger, who still survives, but who nearly lost his life by his humane exertions, and was subsequently brought on shore senseless. This was scarcely effected when a sea, half-mast high, struck the vessel, broke upon the deck, forced down the hatchway and skylights, and filled the cabin to the ceiling ! Every crea- ture who was on the deck, including three women, steerage passengers, was saved ; the ladies and children in the cabin below were victims to the obstinacy of the Captain—they were sacrificed when every, danger was supposed to be over: The dreadfid occurrence took place at a quartet before eight on Sunday morning ; and at nine o'clock the water had receded, so that the Preventive men and others walked to the vessel, and brought the survivors on shore in their arms. So near were they, that had the common precaution been taken of bat- tening down the hatchways and covering up the skylights, this waste of human . life would never have occurred. The garbled accounts which have found their way into many public prints are all of them incorrect. There was no steerage passenger lost." The Ardincaple, steam-packet, from Newcastle to Leith, was also wrecked in the storm on Sunday. The Newcastle Courant contains a long and circumstantial detail of this catastrophe.

" On Saturday last, the wind blew so excessively strong from the north-east, that the Captain did not think it prudent to leave Leith at the usual time of sailing; but during the night, the storm having considerably abated, he quitted that port for Newea-tle about three o'clock on Sunday morning. There were, as nearly as can be ascertained, twenty-nine passengers on board ; nine of whom were females, six gentlemen, ten sailors, and four soldiers; these, with the crew, and the stewardess, amounted to about forty persons. The weather be- came more boisterous as they proceeded ; but nothing particular occurred to cause alai its till between eleven and twelve o'clock on Sunday forenoon, when a tremendous r ea struck the vessel, about mill-way between Holy Island and Bain- burgh Castle. The shock was so overwhelming and instantaneous, that the whole of the individuals on deck were swept overboard ; including the Captain, a young female, a soldier, a gentleman (not known), the stewardess, Captain Pearson, the tegineer, mate, and steward ; the four latter fortunately regained the steamer, but the first live perished. Catitain Pearson, a passenger, and late Master of the F ing of the Netherlands steamer, now took the conunand ; but the consternation on board was indescribable,—the vessel half-filled with water, the fires extingtii: hell, th-1. bowsprit, bulwark-stanchions, and paddle-ca-sing on the starboard-side carried away, and every inch of sail shivered to pieces. Thus situated, no alternative remained but to bring the vessel up. Having at length succeeded in flooring her, within two miles.of the shore, all hands immediately engaged at the pumps, whilst every sea made additional inroads upon them. In the midst of these appalling circumstances, the chimney and mainmast were carried by the board with a terrific crash. About this time, two of the crew, (the fireman and a sailor) lowered down the stern boat, and leapt into it; but the tackle was twice broken by the force of the waves, when they were thrown into the sea, and after clasping each other's hands, they were seen for a few mo- ments tossed amidst the billows, and then sunk to rise no more. The steamer, in this state, continued to keep her moorings till about twelve o'clock on Sunday night ; when a heavy sea struck her bows and broke both cables, thus leaving her altogether at the mercy of the elements. As a- last, but almost hopeless re- source, a jurymast was rigged with tarpauling, when the wind fortunately having changed, they were able to wear her a little off the shore."

Signals of distress were made to no purpose ; for the crew of one of his Majesty's vessels, which lay in smooth water beneath the lee of the Fern Islands, and who might have rendered effectual assistance to those on board the steam-boat, did not make the slightest effort to do so. This part of the business must be the subject of strict investigation. The account in the Newcastle paper then continues.

" In this dreadful situation, no hope contained, and one and all gave themselves tip for lost ; awl having resigned themselves to Providence by the fervent and energetic supplications of the Reverend Mr. Haswell, of North Shields, pas- senger, were fast approaching the breaken, which for so many hours had threat- ened their inevitable destruction. At this moment (about three a.m. on Alen- day ), One of the London cell-smacks was perceived making to their assistance ; zeal after several ineffectual attempts, a rope from the steamer was made fast to her ; but this soon broke, as did also a chain, which was their last attempt. The crew of the smack now resolved to save the lives of all they could on board ; and having lowered their boat, proceeded to the steamer, at the immi- nent risk of their lives ; and when they had secured nearly all the passengers, a second smack hove in sight, and putting out a chain cable, succeeded in tow- ing the wreck of the steamer from its perilous situation. The passengers and part of the crew, who had been disabled, were landed about six o'cloa in the. evening at Hartley, in a more pitiable situation than it is possible to describe, all more or less injured. The body of Captain 11PLeod was washed ashore on Monday at Bamburgh Castle, without his great-coat or jacket ; which he had disengaged himself of in the water ; and being an excellent swimmer, had nearly reached the shore, when the breakers terminated his efforts. The people-on shore witnessed his exertions, and dragged his body from the water the moment it came within reach ; and the warmth of life not being quite extinguished, means were used to restore animation, but unhappily without effect. He has left a widow and seven daughters to lament his loss. Ten of the passengers were sailors, who had been paid off after their arrival from America, and were making towards their homes at Shields, but have been thus deprived (with the exception of three chests since washed ashore) of all they possessed, including their wages. A subscription, we are happy to hear, has been opened for them ; and they richly merit such a reward, as they greatly contributed to the preser- vation of the vessel. The wreck of the Ardincaple was towed up the Tyne by two steamers on Tuesday morning last ; and a more perfect scene of misery never presented herself than her cabins exhibited,—shoes, caps, parts of gowns, books, provisions, and even human bodies, were seen in various parts, whilst the whole of the furniture and internal fittings-up were broken and in the ut- most confusion. The remains of the Captain were interred at St. Andrews, Newcastle, on Wednesday afternoon. We have not heard that the bodies of the other sufferers have been found. By the above accounts it will be seen, that seven lives are known to have been lost; but another male passenger, who was seen on board during the hurricane, has not been accounted for."

The Royal Adelaide steam-ship arrived in Leith Harbour early on Thursday week. This powerful vessel has not only been able to en- counter the late northerly gales with perfect safety, but has been the means of assisting others in distress. In the course of her passage from London, she saw several vessels wrecked on the coast and in the river, and many more in a disabled state ; one of which, the Marquis of Bundy, she towed from near the Shipwash Sand to the entrance of Harwich.

The Dutch papers abound with accounts—most of them, however, very brief—of the less of vessels on their coast. We extract a few of them.

On the evening of the 2d, the sloop Alexander, of Ostend, coming from Ma rennes, laden with salt, was stranded at the entrance of the harbour. At high tide on tire 3d, attempts were made to get her off ; but is the operation she sunk, with all her crew, the pilot, and several sailors belonging to the port, who were assisting. All perished except the Captain, who saved himselfby swim- ming. The Whole of the coast, from Calais to Flushing, iscovereel with wrecks.

The violence of the sea, during the last two days, has been such, that, how- ever incredible it may appear, a ship of four hundred tons was thrown over the bank at Nitut ort, and is now in the canal. The ship draws ten feet water, and

the canal is only six feet deep, so that she will be lost notwithstanding. • Ten or eleven vessel's have been wrecked in the last three days. Yesterday the paddle of a steamer was washed on shore; the name of the steamer it be- 'ans. d to is not known. Six bodies were found at the same time. The ship Natalie jwhichlileft Nieuport a week since for Liverpool, has re- turned safe. She has picked up the crew of a Neapolitan vessel, two of the sailors had their arms and legs broken. The Anne Paulowna has likewise re- turned. A Norwegian brig, with the loss of anchor, cable, chains, &c. has passed the port in the direction of the Scheldt. A small vessel belonging to M. Spelaerts, ex-Captain of the Navy, was driven ashore on Sunday night ofF Ostend. No fears were entertained for the safety of the crew ; indeed it was possible to save the vessel and cargo. Sixteen of the inhabitants, among whom were many fathers of families, worked on board from seven o'clock In the evening in order to get her afloat. A cable was made fast to a capstan on shore, to facilitate her entrance into the port ; and a signal was agreed on, that when the vessel floated, a light, which was placed on her mast, should be extinguished. A spray of the sea, however, put out the light before she began to float ; and the men at the capstern taking it for the signal, manned their boat, and finding she did not move, redoubled their efforts with such force that the deck of the vessel was torn up, the mast fell, and she separated, and the unfortunate men were buried in the waves. The darkness of the night, and the heaviness of the sea, prevented their receiving any assistance. Their cries for relief were heard for a moment; but the waves soon stifled them, and fourteen souls disappeared for ever.

In addition to the loss sustained by .shipping casualties, the dykes, those immense protective mounds, the maintenance of which has, at all times, formed so large an item of public charge in the Low Countries, have been largely injured. The gigantic works at West Capelle, in particular, are described as having suffered very severely.

In the Dublin papers, we find the, following account of the loss of a pleasure-yacht- Friday night, as the pleasure yacht Phoebe, of Dublin, was off Milford Haven, she capsized ; when all on board, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave, of this city, with five or six children and three seamen, all met with a watery grave. Mr. Hargrave was on a visit to some property in the South of Ireland, in the yacht, when a heavy gale came on and drove her over to Milford, where the lamentable accident occurred. His eldest daughter, and some of the family who were not on board, are in the greatest distress from this most melancholy event.

Several trading vessels have been wrecked off the coasts of England.

The sloop Mary, of Garliestown, which left Whitebaven on Friday, laden with lime, owing. to the storm, was unable to prosecute her voyage. The wind drove her with violence towards the piers, the tide just rising, and the water in the harbour inadequate to float her ; the wind drove her in, and the crew were compelled to submit to their fate, although destruction threatened them in the attempt. She drove past the new pier safely, but struck on the battlement of the Old Quay with great violence so that the water rushed in between her beams; yet, by the exertions of those on shore, she was brought into the har- bour. The water which rushed through her open beams had burst into her hold, and communicating with the lime, speedily slacked it, and a thin line of white smoke was visible rising from the cabin. To those ignorant of her cargo, this was unaccountable; but in a few minutes the truth was made known. The sloop which had combated the waves, and over which the fury of the storm had been wreaked in vain, was on fire ! After making great exertions to put out the fire, the crew were at length compelled to abandon the sloop. The lime continued burning for hours; and finally the water had the effect of swelling the lime ; the stern and part of the sides were burst out. She was removed when the tide had receded, but is a total wreck.

On Thursday, the Thomas Burrow, Dawson, from Tortola, with sugar, was making for Lancaster, when she-ran on a sand bank a few miles below sugar, and almost immediately went on her beam-ends. At the moment she struck, the Captain rail down into the cabin, to save the papers; but unfor• tunately lost his life, for ere he could regain die deck, he was drowned. The Thomas Burrow was a swift-sailing good vessel ; and the captain was remark- ably steady, and much esteemed by his crew and acquaintance. He had been fifty-five voyages to the West Indies previously, as master of a vessel, and had crossed the Atlantic one hundred and ten times ! The remainder of the crew were saved.

The sloop Gordon, of Kirkcudbright, from Dumfries for Liverpool, with cot-

ton, was observed beating about on the Lancashire coast, when the Captain was washed overboard by a heavy sea and drowned ; his name was John IV.Plienzie. The vessel struck on the banks at Blackpool in the afternoon, and the crew were compelled to lash themselves to the rigging to save their lives. In this state of anxiety they remained until the tide had receded sufficiently to permit their escape. The vessel became a total wreck.

The Lord Brougham, ' and Smiles, from Quebec, in removing up the harbour of Whitby, struck the bridge ; the former sustained much damage. A brig foundered yesterday, and all on board drowned. From part of the wreck washed up, she appears to have been the Alfred, of Aberdeen. The Harmony, from London, was blown upon the Lincolnshire coast, a com-

plete wreck; the crew, ' ten in number all perished.

The Ebenezer, from St. Vincent toBristol, was driven ashore at Port Isaac. Crew saved, but the vessel a total wreck. On Saturday, the river Mersey presented, on the flow of the tide, an animated spectacle. Steamers, whose average trips across the river would be ten or fifteen minutes, had great difficulty in accomplishing the object in an hour and a half, and some were obliged to reland their passengers. So strong was the current whilst the wind blew, that a large vessel broke away from her anchor- age, and dragged a considerable distance up the river ; she was brought up near the Sloyne. On the ebb of the tide, the Mersey assumed a more boisterous ap- pearance, foaming like a boiling cauldron. The inward-bound vessels kept out at sea, and run in with safety on Saturday forenoon ; with the exception of the bark Beverley, from St. John's N.B., which, after. showing signals of dis- 1 tress, ran ashore on the Dove Point, west of Leasowe Lighthouse, near the en..

trance of Chester river. One of the river steamers was driven on shore not far from the same spot. Part of the wreck of a large sloop was floating near Hilbre Island, supposed to have been wrecked during night. Her cargo ap- ' peared to have been grain. A sloop was also discovered wrecked on Pullin Island, Beaumaris Bay. Saturday a smack (supposed the Union, hence for Carnarvon) sunk near the Voryd, and all hands perished. Frlay evening the _American ship Sarah Sbeafe, off Bootle Bay, came in contact with the Princess Victoria. Both vessels were at anchor, and on swinging round with the turn of the tide, the stern of the American caught the bowsprit of the other, and broke it asunder. Tuesday the latter returned into dock. Saturday night the Russian ship, Richard Brandt, at anchor in Bootle Bay, drifted, and was :brought up in the Sloyne.—Liverpool Courier.

The only hurricane approaching to that of last week in violence during the

present century, was on the same day of the week and the same day of the month, seventeen years ago; but the destruction of life and property on this occasion is far greater ; and appalling as the loss is,- not half its extent will be generally known. In addition to the ships mentioned last week, the Argus or Argo sloop, Exeter, was sunk, and all hands perished. We hear that the topmast of the vessel is visible at low-water, about two miles out; and one of the crew was seen swimming near the breakers soon after she went down, but no assistance could be given him. A piece of board was picked up, with the name of the Feronia of Sunderland, and the words " lost and all hands—l2 o'clock,"apapparently written by a sailor with a nail just before he sank, as it seemed un5aiehed.—Bury Post. In the inters of the country, much damage appears to have been done in particular' places ; but generally speaking, it is less than might have been expected.

The storm at Stockpon. `Nas general; and much damage done to the corn and second crops of hay grass as.:,d clover, as well as potatoes. In Sale, south-east of the Mersey, the embankim.`of gave way, opening a chasm of seventy yards along the side of the river, inuada;ing about two hundred acres of meadow' corn, and potato lands ; of the last, out g four or five fields, about twenty.five to swept away, leaving nothing but the bare

al thirty acres, about one half are total

re covered with the second crops of grounds. The margins of the es ows hay and clover,. lying in ridges like drifted snow ; and at the ferry-house the in- mates had to the retreat to the top stories to -preserve their lives. What the amount of damage may be to the owners, it is hat3 to tell, but the desolation appears ruinous to look on. In one instance, in the Vale` of Tintwistle, so dread- ful was the hurricane, and so immediate its inundating dints, that the husband had only just time to take his wife from their bed, whom kin conveyed in his arms a considerable distance through the storm, both in their night-clothes, for more secure protection.—Stockport Advertiser. The farmers were in the midst of barley harvest; and some very fine crops having been cut down, were nearly ready for carrying; but the wind and rain have injured the barley ; particularly the wind, which cut off many of the ears whilst it stood in stack in the fields. Since the storm, the general temperature has been like that of the latter part of autumn rather than of summer.—Sheffield Courant.

At Needingworth, near St. Ives, in consequence of the extraordinary quantity of rain, accompanied with a very sharp driving wind, which happened on Saturday last, great numbers of birds perished. In one place, under some trees opposite Mr. John Harradine's house, were found the amazing number of between seven and eight hundred sparrows.

On Saturday, the body of a man without a head, and one arm, was washed on shore in Wyberton Roads, out of the sands, by the violence of the gale. The head and arm were found a short distance from the body. The features were in such a state of preservation, that the body was recognized as that of Basketer, who belonged to a critter lost in February last.—Stamford News.