14 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 1

portion of a people not deficient in acuteness should still

be de- luded, as from its repetition we must suppose they are, by this 'transparent humbug. The " Legislative Union must be repealed," proclaims Mr. O'CoNxera.'s organ, the Pilot. The Agitator him- self could gravely tell his constituents, that there was nothing else for Ireland but Repeal; and he shouts "Repeal for ever !" front the dickey of his travelling-carriage. Mr. O'CONNELL knows, of course, that Repeal is an impossibility. To suppose that he en- tertained the hope with which he deludes his countrymen, would be to " write hint clown an ass." In any other country, repeated failure would destroy confidence in a leader's promises. But the Catholic populace seem still to rely upon O'CONNELL'S power to restore the College Green Parliament ! That many even of the least-instructed see through the fraud, we cannot doubt ; but if the majority of his followers were not acted upon by the Repeal cry, it would not be renewed.