14 SEPTEMBER 1844, Page 11

The Aforning Chronicle gives some particulars of Louis Philippe's in-

tended visit to this country- " His Majesty will leave Tripoli on the 7th or the 9th, by the evening tide, so as to disembark the following day, before midday, at Southampton, and the same evening to dine at Windsor Castle. The two of his Ministers who will accompany King Louis Philippe are, M. Gnizot, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Admiral Mackau, the Minister of the Marine. His Mrjesty will also be attended by the Count De Montalivet, the Intendant of the Civil List, by Baron Fain, the Secretary of the King, (who is the son of the celebrated Baron Fain, so many years Secretary to Napoleon,) and by three general officers and four aides-de-camp. Louis Philippe's stay in England will be very short. He will not be absent from his own kingdom for more than seven days, and it is not his intention to visit London. We understand, likewise, that it is his Majesty's wish that the visit should be a strictly private one ; so that it is pro- bable few or none will be invited to Windsor Castle during his stay but the members of the Court. The King will hold no court during his stay in Rag- land."