14 SEPTEMBER 1918, Page 11


SPECTATOR.") Sia,—Your correspondent " S. B." may like to try the enclosed recipe for grape and blackberry jam. I think she will be pleased with the result.—I am, Sir, &c., MART SPENCER. Holywell Croft, St. Ives, Hunts.

Take as many grapes as possible and place in a receptacle which can be stood in a saucepan of boiling water. Keep the water boil- ing until the juice is quite drawn out of the fruit, then strain through a jelly bag. To the juice add as many blackberries as can conveniently be got in—the more the better—and boil in a preserving pan until the blackberries are soft and pulpy. Put on one side until next day. Then weigh, and return to the preserving pan. As soon as quite boiling add sugar in the proportion of three-quarters of a pound to each pound of pulp, and keep boiling slowly for one and a half to two hours. Turn into jars and cover with paper.