14 SEPTEMBER 1934, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—As the Chairman of the Hospital Saturday Fund. I ask your readers to make a generous response to our Annual Appeal on behalf of the Voluntary Hospitals on " Hospital Saturday," September 22nd.

Collections will be made in the streets of London and also at the principal railway stations, &c. The success of our efforts is largely determined by the number of voluntary emblem sellers who come forward. I do sincerely trust, therefore, -that all those who can spare some of their time on September 22nd -will write to the office of the Fund at. 54 Gray's Inn Road, W.C. 1, offering their services in the sacred cause of our Voluntary Hospitals.

The urgent financial needs of our Hospitals are particularly pressing today, and I am confident that the great majority of your readers will welcome the opportunity presented to them on " Hospital Saturday " of helping this great cause.

• Donations will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to the Hospital Saturday Fund, 54 Gray's Inn

Road, W.C. L—I am, Sir, &c., MALMESBURY, 54 Gray's Inn Road, Chairman of the Hospital London, W.C. 1. Saturday Fund.