14 SEPTEMBER 1945, Page 14


SIR,—In his article on "The Pole and His Home" in last week's issue, Mr. Jozef Banasik says "other Continental countries have already received large Stipplies from UNRRA, while Poland, the first Ally, remains guarded by a wall of silence." There is no "wall of silence" about UNRRA supplies to Poland. Figures have been published from time to time, and the latest, published on September 4th, was that up to the end of July this year Poland has received 87,642 tons of goods from UNRRA. This excludes contributed clothing from the Western Hemisphere. The tenta- tive programme for August was 55,621 tons.—Yours faithfully,

H. R. CUMMINGS, Director, Information Division. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, xi Portland Place, London, W. r.