14 SEPTEMBER 1945, Page 22

Letters to a Nurse. By a Midland Doctor. (John Bale.


THE writer of these "Letters to a Nurse" was a physician in the Birmingham area' who died but a few years ago. The " Letters " were written to his niece, a nurse in one of the big Midland hospitals. The writer is a broad-minded man ; kindly in tempera- ment, realising to the full the difficulties of patient and doctor, of probationer, sister and matron ; and, in the course of these letters, he puts his finger on human weaknesses-.--some harmless, some harmful. But he has rather a keener eye for the silver lining which may at the moment be invisible to ordinary folk, than for the cloud which we can all see and feel. It is a very human little book. Were paper more abundant, the booklet could probably be sold for a shilling, at which price it could be heartily recommended for wide distribution to hospital authorities and to hospital nurses.