14 SEPTEMBER 1945, Page 22

The Ceramic Art of China and other Countries of the

Far East. By W. B. Honey. (Faber and Faber. 63s.)

THIS is the most important work on Chinese pottery and porce- lain to appear since R. L. Hobson's Chinese Pottery and Porcelain (1915) and Riviere and Vignier's La Ceramique dens l'Art d'Extreme-Orient (1923). It is a comprehensive survey of the art of the Chinese potter from the earliest times to the present day, embodying the results of much recent research. It is fully and beautifully illustrated with 192 plates in monochrome and three plates in colour, and is an authoritative and indispensable work of reference, rich not only in abundant evidence of scholarship, but also marked by independence of judgement and individual taste, as, for example, in the author's appreciation of wares of the Tzu- Chou type.