15 APRIL 1843, Page 9



Scarcely any thing of importance has occurred in the English Funds, during the week; but the great abundance of money has given firmness to the market,

and the closing price of Consols for Account is today 97 to The Three-and-- a-half per Cent Stocks have advanced in a greater degree than Consols ; the New Three-and-half per Cents being today at 1021, and the Reduced Three- and-a-half per Cents at 101A ; whence it would appear that the belief in the redaction of those Stocks during the present year is not so prevalent as it has been. A correspondence has occurred hetweeen the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer and Messrs. HICHENS and HARRISON, on the subject of the Ex- chequer Bills issued to the sufferers by the great fraud. From the circum- stance (noticed in our last report) of the bills so issued not bearing even date with others now current in the market, and also from the omission in the body of the bills themselves of the usual declaration that they will become re- ceivable at par in the payment of taxes and duties one year after the day on which they are dated, it was imagined that these securities were excepted from the usual regulation ; and their current quotation in the market was below that of other bills. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has declared that they only differ from other securities of the same kind in the day of their date, and that they will be received equally with every other description of Exchequer Bills at par, in the payment of all duties, &c., whenever their maturity shall render them eligible for that purpose. The premium upon Exchequer Bills generally is the same, only there has occurred a demand for March bills, or those which bear an interest of led. per diem ; and they range in the market at a higher premium than those: bearing an interest of 2d. per diem; which is not sur- prising, as the latterlwill be exchanged in June, and there is some chance, if money should continue as abundant as it now is, that the interest may be re- duced to lid. The operations of the Foreign Market have been-almost entirely confined to Spanish Stock; which has experienced a considerable fluctuation. The Three per Cents were on Monday at 321; bat speedily fell to 31, in consequence of some very extensive sales made by a broker who has the credit of acting for a mercantile firm, agents for the Spanish Government. At the extreme point of depression, another broker, who is considered to be the agent of Messrs. Roxascan,n, appeared in the market as a buyer ; and by the extent of his operations, purchasing to the amount of 200,0001., he caused an immediate rise of 2/ per cent. The price has since continued to improve, though the market has experienced some violent and sudden reactions ; and the result of the week's business has been to establish a closing quotation this afternoon of 344 35 for the Three per Cents ; which is within 4 per cent of the highest price the stock has ever reached, nearly 4 per cent above the lowest quotation of the week, and about 24 per cent above our last week's quotations. The Active Stock has not experienced so much fluctuation, and closes this after- noon at 241 4, after having been at 221, and afterwards at 241. The cause of this remarkable improvement is to be found in the decree of the Regent set-

ting aside the nett revenue of the Almaden Mines, and a portion of that of the

Cruzada, for the special purpose of paying the dividend on the Three per Cent Stock. It was reported on Monday, that Messrs. ROTHSCHILD had been authorized to retain the dividends out of the annual amount they are to pay the Government for the produce of the mines ; but, unfortunately for the holders of the Stock, they have only a decree of the Government declaring the apportionment of the funds, instead of the guarantee of Messrs. ROTH- SCHILD. It is evident, however, from the prices of the Stock, that the holders consider this a great boon.

Portuguese Stock has not experienced much fluctuation : the demand for

Holland still continues ; though several sales were effected when it became known that the conclusion of the Tariff was still delayed, and the price was on Monday depressed 1 per cent, viz. to 394: the effect of the two opposing forces has been to keep the quotations steady., and the closing price today is about 1 per cent below our last quotation. The renewed report of the return of Mr. ELLts, without effecting a treaty with the Brazilian Government, has not produced any effect upon the Stock ; which is today at 74 to 75. Mexi- can Bonds have experienced a fluctuation of about 1 per cent ; but there has not been any transaction of moment in them. The other Foreign Funds are without material variation.

We cannot notice any event of importance in the Share Market. SAIVRDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The only variation in the price of the English Funds is in that of New Three-and-a-half per Cents, which are in demand, and have been done at 1024. The others are the same ; as are Exchequer Bills.

In the Foreign Market, all the current varieties are at yesterday's prices, with the exception of Spanish Stock, which is improving ; the Three per Cents being 35/ 4; the Five per Cents Active, 244 5. The Shares of the Paris and Lyons Railway have been issued, and are quoted at 4 to 1 premium. No other business of importance has occurred in the Share-market.

SATERDAT, nrOlt O'CLOCK. The English Funds close at our morning's prices. Exchequer Bills are the same : the April Bills are quoted at 64s. premium.

The business of the Foreign Market has been almost entirely confined to Spanish Stock, in which some very extensive operations have occurred ; but, as while one broker was selling largely, another was buying as extensively, the one proceeding neutralized the other ; and the effect produced on the market was not important. The Three per Cents, which opened at 344, have since been at 354, and after receding to 34/, close at 35 1. The Active Stock also improved from 244 to 24/, and closes at 241 4. The other, Foreign Funds are without material variation.

The business of the Share-market has been of an extensive character, as will be seen by the following record of bargains actually occurring. Mines- Bolanos, Scrip, 44; Del Monte, Unregistered, 54; United Mexican, New Shares, 24. Railways—Birmingham and Gloucester, 50; Cheltenham and Great Western, 95 944; Ditto, New, 69; Brighton, 354; Birmingham, 2111, 2124; Ditto, New, 37; Manchester and Leeds, 353; Northern and Eastern, 344; Ditto, Scrip, 174; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 31 3; North Midland, Thirds, 22; Paris and Rouen, 27i 1; York and North Midland, New, 40. Banks— Union of Ireland, 434; Union of Australia, 344.

3 per Cent Consols 964 7


30 2

Ditto for Account

97+ Colombian 6 per Cents,1824. 244. 5

per Cent Reduced

96* 4 Danish 3 per Cents

864 7*

34 per Cent Ditto. 1011 I Dutch 24 per Cents 561 New 31 per Cents . 1021 I Ditto 5 per Cents . 100

Bank Stock for Account 184 4 Mexican 5 per Cents Coned. 301 1 Exchequer Bills prem 65 9 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 40 4 India Stock 270 Russian b per Cents 113 114 Brazilian 5 per Cents 74 5

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents.

244 5 Belgian 5 per Cents 1041 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

351 1 Clulian 6 per Cents

59 90

The return of the average circulation of the United Kingdom, for the four weeks ending let instant, exhibits as compared with the last, a diminution of 1,134,285/. under the following heads of decrease :

ENGLAND, Bank of England £765,000

Private Banks 69,218 834,218 Deduct increase in the circulation of Joint Stock Banks 18,909 815,309 ScorLasn—Joint Stock, Chartered, and Private Banks ... 130,766 IRELAND—Bank of Ireland 110,725 Private and Joint Stock Banks 77,485 188,210

£1,134,285 During the same period, the amount of bullion in store has increased 436,000/. The present amount being 11,420,0001., against 10,984,0001. on the 4th March last. As compared with the return of 241 April 1842; there is an increase of 1,666,5611. in the total circulation of the United Kingdom, and of 4,414,000/. in that of the bullion; the amount of bank-notes in circulation then, was 33,014,6771., against one by the present return, of 34,681,2361.; while the amount of bullion then was 7,006,000/. instead of the amount already noticed. As far as the imperfect nature of the accounts will allow a judgment to be formed, the present amount of bullion may be safely estimated at 11,900,000/.